Sunday, January 6, 2019

ademoninexchange(prod. by m/ c0s1d0)

written by stranded and om

performed by stranded

this ENTIRE verse was derived from things om said/wrote......shared......or played a role in somehow

prod. by m/ c0s1d0

a nightmare carries her
her movements lost in the wind

as the moon and stars
illuminate her marvelous grin
a dream wakes him
from reality
it’s conjured away

his eyes flutter
sacred gossamer flames
these wings
rooted in the ashes
of his prior disdain
he flies the coop
that would trap him
the rem’s sky
breaks his chains
his soul nourished
by how gracefully
she rides on the waves
that ripple
from the ocean
vocalizing his pain

so often
the architects
won’t acknowledge their eyes

the vision
that they provided
for such marvels to rise
such brilliant stars
obscure themselves
far too modest to shine
even the most expert
of craftsmen
simply follow designs
magick wanders through time

indifferent to when

it exists
both now and there
both here and then
where only spirit lives
the omnipresent gravity well
the all-encompassing dimension
that attracts and repels
are you open or closed
to the answers
only gnosis beholds
the unknown
illumined by a lantern
in a solsticial pose
is this the truth
of a planet
that so hopelessly glows
or just the musings
of a phantom
with a ghost of a soul

translucent meditation
sparks the light we consume
ancestral drums
made from the shadows
of their ruins

we embrace the moon
taste the gentle rays
it exudes
and shape our world
the way the dark city strangers
would tune

then cape and broom the sky
those vibrations balloons
a winged reflection
of the sacred echo chamber that blooms

an oasic resonation ensues
an aligned harmonic tone
a single hum is composed
from an anti-entropic loam
we reap the tranquility
that blossoms
the labyrinth of light
that explodes
the elaborate fate
of a collapsing star
when a shadowalkingstick’s sown
the horticultural significance
is equivalent
to all that is known
of the degree
to which
impact and augment their home

everything and nothing
we’re already aware

buried in our future
is a wealth of repairs

may the measure of our growth
overwhelm our despair
as we discover
so much more
of our ‘self’
that is there
we’re aliens
our hosts are prisons
spaceships with no ignition
far too many fools
capitulate of their own volition

their hearts should beat
with such passionate vibrations
that their will to escape
would shatter their rib cages
one should follow their fascination
dive into imagination
explore their mind
to find
what provides their soul
with approbation
a simple step
to a seemingly inaccessible destination
like the balance achieved
with the application
of patterned [in/ex]-halation

like the movements
of bees on a massive hive
a sort of cymatic-like
synchronous performance
of splashing vibes

waves that tumble forth
in swirling scattered tides
that morph
like the black designs
on rorschach’s disguise

through the eye of a soul
a pair of owls

hear the sacred tone
of an errant fowl

one becomes a blur
or perhaps
the two of them are merged
their flight frantic
as they hunt what they’ve heard

they complete their task
her face obscured
as she is reached
at last
this indistinct bird
seems to prefer to be her mask

the energy builds
the power coming off what she shares
is giving me chills
such a pleasant sensation
with a sinister feel
not sinister as in sinister
but sinister still

her passenger
pure magick
my window unsealed

i’m curious
what sort of blade
the wind will reveal
the face sculpted
from the bird’s crazed convulsions
wasn’t hers
the revelation
of her identification
went undeterred
i can’t adequately express
my appreciation
for what she stirs

she has a distinct inclination
to summon words

this is a shadow play
cast by an omphalos flame
an oracular display
on a wall
that this track portrays
she’s pyrokinetic
she performs
the alchemical storm
that melts what he absorbs
and so elegantly pours

the beauty
is in the roots
that developed within her core
as they bloom
the atomic composition
of her elements are reformed

in inseparable sparks
obsidian roars
she can’t see the moon clearly
so she must lift up her sword

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