Saturday, February 1, 2025

sandcoffin(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:

if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:



an entire world made of pretend
the smallest thing can begin a chain of events
with a big bang at the end
after now
there is no escaping from then
there were only 35
san te made 36
determination permits one to create what they wish
when you are focused
you see what scatterbrains tend to miss

so pay attention
gather dimensions
meta-matter ascension
like the dichotomy of astral projection
only before decays
after progresses
prajna is an accurate weapon
slash your intestines
do you have the guts to ask yourself questions
once you do
the quest for answers becomes truly magnetic

like love
when the pursued reacts acquiescent
without heart
a student's evolution lacks direction
when cash rules
still don't nothing move
that's the message
just think for half a second
are the last three letters in “heart”
if we're not distinct
how will people tell us apart

because of its distinction
such a thing would be impressed on your thoughts
life is deep
i will speak until there's nothing left to impart
and we exist in an accretion disk
with hyper-stellar results

my mind is the entrance of an event horizon
everything i experience is sent inside it

swallowed and synthesized
it culminates within the iris
shaping who i am
assembling in motion
carried through time
like cnidarians swim through the ocean
how elegant growth is
the most profound elements of our development are microscopic

the intangible nature of creatures interacting
how they feel and they act
and deoxyribonucleic acid
how these things behave result in pyramidic reactions
a series of shit that happens
butterflies and dominoes
it's not a theory
it's fact
remove the right object from the bottom
and the ceiling collapses

so too are we
establishing shadows that lengthen
where photons are absent on their path
they are taken
captured by those who would have scintillation
light gathered
to glow
when they pass information
that way you know where the class is
to take it

a beacon that beckons the intrigued
if they seek it
then message received
if not
then let them sleep
who are you to interfere with their thought process
you are not an alarm clock
an alarm clock's set
it can't just go off
if it's not even plugged in the wall
you have no control over what's under another's skull

listen to thewalkingstick's ( change your brother ) bars

we are just small pieces of shade among the stars
it's how we're received that makes us what we are
how we are seen
by strangers
from afar
that is what determines the way that we come across
intentions are overshadowed by results
what we intend
and what happens
are trapped in a timeless waltz
in the absence of light
my path
while i walk
it's formed as i travel
so how can i wander off

the appearance of veins
you must look many ways
the vantage of getting truth
we are lost in a maze
it can loop
this cycle can be arranged by randomly different moves
in much the same way as hands spinning a cube
separation is simple
but some objects are not so easy to reassemble
our souls seek freedom through each its windows
it's bleak
they can't see it
like skiing upwind of thick snow
it's darker than a grave
when cloud rains
and wind blows



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