written and performed by stranded
prod. by tragedy
tragedy + stranded = wind/cloud (pronounced: wind and cloud)
* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:
if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:
when i tire of things
i close my eyes and don't stay
i fall up and spiral away
farther and wider
all prior decays
i shimmer
my body waves like how fire behaves
cascading light
extinguishing flames
they dim of their own accord
they don't die
they just fade
when i'm hurt
i'm lost
i try to find my way
revelation lies in the science of pain
all of a sudden
i change
freedom reigns
it is not a transformation
it cannot be engaged
i know only that it is
not why it became
the true nature of an animal is not to be tamed
that's what makes it beautiful
the lack of a cage
for peace must be mutual to be attained
if you love something
don't be afraid
let it stray
share time with a creature and go separate ways
if the relationship is genuine
it will remain
that is life
simple and plain
but then again
humans give complexity to the simplest things
and make shit difficult like quitting a gang
shut up
you stupid fuxks
listen to what i say
you could be up a hundred points
you're still not winning the game
you lost it
like a chimp in a cage
when he sees other chimps in a rage
swinging side to side like a pendulum behaves
who is it that thinks he lives
but does not what he'd wish
that's like a shark not eating fish
but that's not to say that a shark couldn't stop if he see's fit
all i'm trying to say is
go inside your heart and follow each tic
embrace what you desire and be strict
never let it go
that's the best approach to find peace with
anything else
and your whole life will be shit
what's inside a shell is hollow
you'll wind up resenting it
time will tell
for tomorrow won't disguise the emptiness
the black hole that dwells inside you will swallow you in the end
until then
you'll flail in a maelstrom of insignificance
with the knowledge of all you cared for
and that you surrendered it
you'll try to keep it buried
you won't dare reminisce
you'll do anything not to remember
but you'll fail to forget
it'll eat you alive from inside like a cancerous cyst
break through your flesh like adamantium
( snikt )
there's no escape
it's in a volcano's mechanics to spit
its fiery innards will eventually abandon the pit
this will be a random event
and what you don't expect can't be defensed
you can't pick and choose
you get the fruit the branches present
but give the tree sustenance
treat it like you're in love with it
and what you'll reap will be enough to feed hundreds with
i refuse to be hunger stricken
plates are there
i take my share
and eat like the langoliers
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