Tuesday, February 11, 2025

inkbender(prod. by white lotus)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by white lotus

a ghost on a tree branch shrieks
chimeric antique
he begs for his head to explode
so the spirit can’t speak
sent to his knees
hair full of electricity
the concentration of light is a rare book of epiphanies
he sits collapsed
with his back to another dimension’s open door

a telepathic figure floating in a glowing orb
its corona’s warm
but has the impact of a snowy storm

his head pounding so much it’ll leave his skull deformed

a shadow distinguishes itself from the surrounding black
she finds herself tethered to the eldritch reflection bouncing back
or is it an equivalent switch
alchemical full metal eclipse
could it be konan with a resurrection attempt
totems abound
hyphens attack a proton cloud
she knows all too well that it’s priceless to reinvoke her child

the scrolls a mess
birds made of fog interlope the left
while on the opposing edge
spiraling angels choke to death
outside the hollow entrance to the foot of supposed steps
a tree serves as an altar for a sacrifice you don’t expect
paralyzed with guilt
she laments as she shows her breasts
and finds that it’s quite difficult to live with her soul’s regrets

there is an energy that crosses worlds and integrates
that can be seen in the specific leaves despair accentuates

a nest sits
long ignored
the sky is mirror dust
through the resonance of her horns
i can feel her touch
mirroring thread
she elicits light you only hear in your head
her stitchwork persists
reverse engineering the dead

cosmic travelers
plotting their course on an abacus

i sit sightless
in awe of my moon’s asterisk

she watches my hands
and molecules on an axis twist
while she kites a star in the solitude of our happiness
she’s the halo
the watchful detached inner eye
that protects against demise
it’s not something that signifies
our very existences in their interstices are tied
by blood ritualistic vines at an anachronistic time

i want to pour a mirror on you with a nimbus cloud
as i softly further disappear into an empty shroud

i taste dilation in the candle that our auras share

you have the strength to famish trauma that endures repairs
your subtle manipulations that shift the atmosphere
your essence sews

wherever you go
there is magick there

a blur descends upon earth alongside color beams
i resolve to haunt the summoned dream that dawn hides up its sleeve
the great many tender moments lost inside a cup of tea
for how could i ever get to drink those if it doesn’t steep

the tunnel that hovers in the seams
just out of focus
and the infraforest lurking on the outskirts
that goes unnoticed

you are so beautiful when you give yourself what you deserve
the slow strobe of lightning as a picturesque soft winter stirs

the ballet performed by tree limbs that the wind disturbs
the way rays transform when the sun and the horizon merge
the elusive violet will sublimate right through your eyelids

if you appreciate the roots of the truth the sky gives
not the way the word is intended to be minded
removing the pursuit of your desires dehumanizes

evolution requires that the human side is thoughtfully sent into a void
with a conclusive iris

discarded centuries
the seed of the unrealized node
seek not to be the whispered to
but be the cyrano

the more you look within
the more you’ll see the mirror glow
and what’s reflecting back at you
appearing clear as liquid snow

Saturday, February 8, 2025

decrepit(prod. by slumlord)

written and performed by: (in order of appearance)

verse 1:  menes the pharaoh

verse 2:  stranded


prod. by slumlord


collage/gravez (pronounced: collage of gravez) = menes the pharaoh + stranded



verse 1: [menes the pharaoh]

clavical supernatural catapult!
smoking hologram in a holographic battle mech..

cast a filament puncture ceiling paintings in the vatican
decipher strange stanza mimic latin in a battle stance

with all decadence, necropolis of modern day
prepare the dead in many ways; the-mystery is how we're sent away->
and the meaning of the metaphor ; is a calcified calculated cellar door...

mordred the human spider, gunslingerz cider
temple stepz spiral below the kings decanter
halting all the banter ;
silence is the answer
war mask worn by the forms of my shadow

laughter is a remedy ; but so is blood spillin' of your enemy
not a paradox, it’s just a lichen looming simile
under moons assembly ; i howl-at-my-own duplicity
i'm not complacent i'm a comet placement through your chemistry

verse 2: [stranded]

cancer is his destiny
the glass expands
each grain of sand questioning
waterfalls are holograms of memories
they are the claws on a monster’s hand’s telepathy
his mantra gives his stars a darker legacy
an eclipse buries the moon code
petechial hemorrhage in bloom on a doomed soul
his shadow’s a cemetery
he eludes crows
he wears a ceremony of tombstones
a cloud shaped like a dragon drowns in ash where a noose grows

the eye of sauron
an ossuary with neurons
prophetic suffering undimmed by his sword arm
he must have been despicable before
and for so long
his punishment is to live in the world while his world’s gone

demise in an amulet

a marvelous closeness that vanishes
the ape of naples eats a banana clip
quantum entanglement with a 9th century mannequin
moonlight processed through the conquest of abandonment


Saturday, February 1, 2025

sandcoffin(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:




an entire world made of pretend
the smallest thing can begin a chain of events
with a big bang at the end
after now
there is no escaping from then
there were only 35
san te made 36
determination permits one to create what they wish
when you are focused
you see what scatterbrains tend to miss

so pay attention
gather dimensions
meta-matter ascension
like the dichotomy of astral projection
only before decays
after progresses
prajna is an accurate weapon
slash your intestines
do you have the guts to ask yourself questions
once you do
the quest for answers becomes truly magnetic

like love
when the pursued reacts acquiescent
without heart
a student's evolution lacks direction
when cash rules
still don't nothing move
that's the message
just think for half a second
are the last three letters in “heart”
if we're not distinct
how will people tell us apart

because of its distinction
such a thing would be impressed on your thoughts
life is deep
i will speak until there's nothing left to impart
and we exist in an accretion disk
with hyper-stellar results

my mind is the entrance of an event horizon
everything i experience is sent inside it

swallowed and synthesized
it culminates within the iris
shaping who i am
assembling in motion
carried through time
like cnidarians swim through the ocean
how elegant growth is
the most profound elements of our development are microscopic

the intangible nature of creatures interacting
how they feel and they act
and deoxyribonucleic acid
how these things behave result in pyramidic reactions
a series of shit that happens
butterflies and dominoes
it's not a theory
it's fact
remove the right object from the bottom
and the ceiling collapses

so too are we
establishing shadows that lengthen
where photons are absent on their path
they are taken
captured by those who would have scintillation
light gathered
to glow
when they pass information
that way you know where the class is
to take it

a beacon that beckons the intrigued
if they seek it
then message received
if not
then let them sleep
who are you to interfere with their thought process
you are not an alarm clock
an alarm clock's set
it can't just go off
if it's not even plugged in the wall
you have no control over what's under another's skull

listen to thewalkingstick's ( change your brother ) bars

we are just small pieces of shade among the stars
it's how we're received that makes us what we are
how we are seen
by strangers
from afar
that is what determines the way that we come across
intentions are overshadowed by results
what we intend
and what happens
are trapped in a timeless waltz
in the absence of light
my path
while i walk
it's formed as i travel
so how can i wander off

the appearance of veins
you must look many ways
the vantage of getting truth
we are lost in a maze
it can loop
this cycle can be arranged by randomly different moves
in much the same way as hands spinning a cube
separation is simple
but some objects are not so easy to reassemble
our souls seek freedom through each its windows
it's bleak
they can't see it
like skiing upwind of thick snow
it's darker than a grave
when cloud rains
and wind blows



thekazenebula(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:




my scars remove
blood drips
and falls from my wounds
traveling up instead of down
becoming cosmic fumes
resembling smoke
i begin to float
i start to move
the wind blows
i exalt my moon
for i am drawn to you
you offer truth
the sky's garden of darkness roots
the absence of light
where life's shadows often bloom
leaving the same flowers of shade that are produced
pollen is discharged in fine grains to charge ovules
creating more petals
that accumulate
becoming clouds formed of several
they will shower
and beauty will abound when the storm settles
amazing power
mountains can be torn to pebbles
once you're embraced by these flowers
their thorns will protect you
and keep you safe
from drowning in a swirling cesspool
a maelstrom staircase that devours all who step through
ignorance provides its giver with this swirling sense
its giver's vision is diminished
it disorients
one becomes detached from what one lacks interest in
curiosity dies and becomes a mass of emptiness
never lose control
impulse is a brash instrument
an emotion driven brain is what one makes a rash decision with

my master is within
what i imagine is intense

i collapse
and follow the path this presents

shadows in which a bottomless cavity exists
a black hole that swallows what gravity permits
a star explodes
so all that surrounds it is lit
a detached soul
without sorrow
happily adrift
i float on an endless cloud
a nebula of stars
as dust spins around
in search of the unknown
i roam where nothingness is found
on this sojourn alone
i bear what should not be allowed

the thirst alone tears
the hunger disembowels
such profound starvation
my thoughts quake
my stomach growls
engulfed with hatred for false information
i hunt it down
with a piece of death on each breath my lungs compile
the respiratory stress i endure in chase
is more or less
like john connor
with a terminator stomping on his chest
but i'm determined
just like sasuke
off on his quest
he joined orochimaru for the strength to murder his own flesh
like naruto
when he makes a promise that he won't forget
relying on kyuubi
and the mercy that his cloak begets
like rock lee
earning strength from only blood and sweat
even with critical injuries
he trains
he's so obsessed
like neji
once he realized his future wasn't stone impressed
my conviction is like all of these descriptions
i will not surrender
submission on my part will not be rendered
i will voice my heart despite no listeners
and if my defiant screams are torn apart
i will whisper
i am so at peace with cold and dark
it's like i'm winter
i write in accordance with my thoughts
my rhymes are splinters
a conscious presence
so you cannot forget them
and you cannot remove them
they're rooted upon ingression
spread throughout your mind
like power lines in all directions
where they stay for all of time
you cannot hide from omnipresence
for eyes that seek the truth
i speak to you at my discretion
amassing piece by piece
bestowing you with my perspective
what is assembled is a self-contained world of my invention
these are jewels they don't teach in school
they don't provide these lessons
they provide illusions
stupify and deafen
music's a cosmic method to correspond a message
it endures beyond the death of the artist
it's convalescent
it  persists
like humans with the use of cryogenics
for as you listen
i exist
it keeps you and i connected
when you stop
it's as if you euthanize the nexus
so do i live or do i die
you decide
in essence
but your choice is irrelevant
despite what you choose
my world itself exists
because imagination's the base element
rooted in selfishness
and hatred's development
the human race will be replaced by intelligence
take off the shell of skin
the skull and the skeleton
these are chains
what remains has been lost in false malevolence
changed and reshaped
at the cost of our own heritage
forsaken and erased by what is wrongly called benevolent
they could have been direct
aimed for the neck and slashed away
but a sharp masquerade is far more apt a blade
my walking staff in place
death a step i have to take
for those who never sleep are only half awake



immortalflame(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:




when i tire of things
i close my eyes and don't stay
i fall up and spiral away

farther and wider
all prior decays
i shimmer
my body waves like how fire behaves
cascading light
extinguishing flames
they dim of their own accord
they don't die
they just fade
when i'm hurt
i'm lost
i try to find my way
revelation lies in the science of pain
all of a sudden
i change
freedom reigns
it is not a transformation
it cannot be engaged
i know only that it is
not why it became
the true nature of an animal is not to be tamed
that's what makes it beautiful
the lack of a cage
for peace must be mutual to be attained
if you love something
don't be afraid
let it stray
share time with a creature and go separate ways
if the relationship is genuine
it will remain
that is life
simple and plain
but then again
humans give complexity to the simplest things
and make shit difficult like quitting a gang

shut up
you stupid fuxks
listen to what i say
you could be up a hundred points
you're still not winning the game
you lost it
like a chimp in a cage
when he sees other chimps in a rage
swinging side to side like a pendulum behaves
who is it that thinks he lives
but does not what he'd wish
that's like a shark not eating fish
but that's not to say that a shark couldn't stop if he see's fit
all i'm trying to say is
go inside your heart and follow each tic
embrace what you desire and be strict
never let it go
that's the best approach to find peace with
anything else
and your whole life will be shit

what's inside a shell is hollow
you'll wind up resenting it
time will tell
for tomorrow won't disguise the emptiness
the black hole that dwells inside you will swallow you in the end
until then
you'll flail in a maelstrom of insignificance
with the knowledge of all you cared for
and that you surrendered it
you'll try to keep it buried
you won't dare reminisce
you'll do anything not to remember
but you'll fail to forget
it'll eat you alive from inside like a cancerous cyst
break through your flesh like adamantium
( snikt )

there's no escape
it's in a volcano's mechanics to spit
its fiery innards will eventually abandon the pit
this will be a random event
and what you don't expect can't be defensed
you can't pick and choose
you get the fruit the branches present
but give the tree sustenance
treat it like you're in love with it
and what you'll reap will be enough to feed hundreds with
i refuse to be hunger stricken
plates are there
i take my share
and eat like the langoliers



prime/ordeal(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:




life melts and it thaws
it cannot dwell
it dissolves
planets bid farewell to their stars
they do not cease to exist
they're just not themselves where they've gone

it's not the end
things extend from their shell and beyond
perhaps their prior lair is not where they belong
i question life
but death barely responds
whatever i am
insanity is very involved
for what i bear in my skull is made of nothing ordinary at all
i swim in the out/tear and evolve
i amass - - a tide of imagination
its waters are vast
several gravitations cause it to splash
generating waves
they crash
leaving being human lost in their path
the illusion discarded and trashed
how can you change the future in an alternate past

when you seek knowledge
you face questions
they often are masked
with slavish devotion to the stick with which i walk
i will ask

and travel beyond my ultimate grasp
unraveling a remarkable path
gathering all that i pass

the intake will syphon like an event horizon
until the end arrives like fighting against m. bison
what the wind provides is polarity for what dims the sky
glints barely penetrate a thin horizon
we darken things
blacken the very thought of things
remove distractions
what will you imagine when only thoughts remain

stranded on this planet
i'm what normal people call insane
i don't belong attached to humans as a ball and chain
society is based on false relationships with hollow frames
a life that's fake
whose laws are made to make us all the same
those who differ are all but hanged
the only reason they don't go all the way
is to preserve the illusion of freedom they use to lull the brain
do not allow this
society is a prison disguised as a palace
words of wisdom stanton parrish provided on “alphas”
children should not be blinded
guided by counselors
they should instead be guided by their ENTIRE surroundings
experience life
and make their own minds up about it

protect them
but do not direct them
if they make a mistake
don't just automatically correct them
give them a chance to see their errors themselves
and fathom questions
it isn't YOU that matters
when the matters affect them

[hook] x 2

don't lose focus
just to gain perspective
when you're approaching pain
don't change directions
it'll wear off in due time
have patience
let it
that way
all you learned on your way is embedded
scarred for life
wounds that won't heal
so what happens on the battlefield is always revealed
we can't make you feel what we feel
it won't be real
in order to build
you have to live according to your own free will



thefreedomofsolitude(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:




i live life quite hidden
like looking at camo in night vision
i am a shadow
i am where light isn't
the beat talks on its own
demanding that i listen
puts my mind at ease
like the mechanics of eyes and rhythm
it speaks soft
like throwing a ball underhanded like politicians
what cloud provides is canon of nihilism
my head nods
i'm drawn inside
questioning outside's existence
i experience peace that seldom defines an instant
i know it for just a moment
but knowledge dies to be survived by wisdom
despite its quickness
i learn to appreciate what little time i'm given
that's why i keep music close to my heart like a violinist
honor thyself
not religion
fuxk fear of afterlife consequences
it is said that satan was cast from heaven
for wanting to make god his minion

he was removed

so why would he use hell to punish you
and do as god intended
he'd most likely treat you well
so you'd help provide his vengeance
this is not my opinion
it's just the way that people think the bible's written

it's common sense
it's not scientific

to read is to be lost in a labyrinth of contradictions
how imaginatively the plot thickens
such an elaborate paradigm of fiction
when lies have roots in truth
they'll grow at least enough to bear some fruit
that may look ripe
plus the bite can be deceiving too
the web of lies spreads out wide
while the truth will only reach a few
that's why it's better to be alone than to be in groups

you are shielded from false realities
that are built on “tag along” mentalities that aren't allowed to think
a cattle call
after all
lacks strong individuality
if it's not where you belong
keep sliding like quinn mallory
a prison isn't just bars
it can be a body or a galaxy
how do i get off of e-arth
how do i get out of ME
what good is being awake
out the dream
if nearly everyone else on the planet is sound asleep

and some of the people who've escaped are counting sheep

they want to go back to their “dark city” creation
the false reticulation
willful products of thought manipulation
mentally blind
they walk
lost in ignoration

i offer an invitation to suicide
you should die
if what you do isn't what you decide
why are you alive
look in a mirror
see yourself through your eyes

be yourself
not your disguise
do not be compromised by prying eyes
your shoes are not their size
they couldn't walk in them a block
with no socks
so whatever their thoughts
they do not apply

life ain't the same as what you're seeing with your eyes
i'll show you over time
slowly help you climb
but you must first travel off land
off sea
and off the sky
draw boundaries for yourself
then disregard the lines
leave the dimension your body occupies
then freeze and thaw time
stop suppressing the power your thoughts provide
only then can you reach the other side
and begin closing in on freedom of the mind

go deep
and continue to sink
fall in upon yourself
distort space
and make its equilibrium weak
i meditate when i spit on a beat
right now
that's my only way of visiting peace

so i embrace its energy and take it to extremities
'cause i appreciate what it's giving me



ihate(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:




i am an altruist
despite the fact that hatred has me bound within
like an aura
it surrounds my skin
like aurora borealis is
it is attractive
because it is the rational recoil
it's how it is
the way people behave
it's as if they're begging to be in a grave
they need to be slain
so there will be room for something better to be in their place
the truth is the lesser of two evils is hate

not blind hatred

justifiable hatred
of the open eyed variety deriving from concentration
well thought out observations
posited information
the logistical ultimation is personification

i am hatred
all i see
hear and feel
picture the completion of yusuke receiving genkai's spirit orb
wielding shield and sword in defense of all that's real and pure
you will find me omni-declaring war
and swiftly beheading any who dare ignore
with or without you
the future will carry on
for it is a lathe to what was there before
a feral force
initiating an evolutionary storm
precipitating change like terrain when it's terraformed
you have to be able to adapt
evolve and change
audible plays
you can't always see with seraph's second offering's name
that's what makes payton manning's offense insane

he surveys his opponents
and rearranges the way he approaches
but humans do what they wish
and try to get away like they're roaches
until you flip a switch
and it's too late
'cause they're noticed
they think they're safe in a population explosion
they take the odds that they won't die of raid overdosage
they suffer from wide awake comatosis

they walk as if they can't find their graves
asleep is how their minds behave
it's a crying shame
but as soon as the future arrives it fades
it dies
a day at a time
it doesn't say goodbye or wave
it just dematerializes without leaving behind a trace
nothing remains but memories
which are quite subjective
for they are formed by perspective
when blueprints are finally erected
whether the structure matches
entirely rests with how the foreman followed directions
he may have cut corners with his supplies and his methods
things don't always end the way people intend
when the series of events begins
when there are obstacles
projectiles tend to veer from where they are being sent

a force will not be ignored
when it collides with what it is arriving toward

that which is unexpected will always realign the course

adjustments can be made
but so can mistakes
i just wish to grow with the approach that cancer takes
in regard to persistence
i will not offer submission
my thoughts  visit stars in the distance
and my mind trades scars for admission

i may not even belong in this dimension
perhaps i'm like peter
taken by walter bishop

but i don't have olivia to notice me shimmering
just an orphan
all alone with oblivion
surrounded by hordes of no significance
forced into cognitive dissonance
a facade like equilibrium
withdrawn into self-imposed ignorance
parallel to so many differences
there i dwell
in only appearances
for i am inside
deep in my mind
not blind
but i don't see with my eyes
the sun doesn't shine
neural explosions light up the sky
night and day are not required
neither is time
not by design
rules aren't the same in the brain
they can be changed
and humans attack people that ain't the same
so be prepared if you're distinct in the way you behave
it's a path of resistance
friction happens when actions are different
but those with persistence move past the collision
and exit just as they have entered

so fuxk anyone who asks for surrender

my objective is to raise mutants
like yoshi's rat
master splinter



alphamael[quantumriptidesedation](prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:




at about before child development
existed existential fellowship
the gift was heaven sent
in that instant
imagination jettisoned
a kaleidoscopic landscape to meander and navigate
onward orientation
the pace quadruplicates
at a rate to which rapid eye movement relates
i ruminate
superposing the sub-human state
i shadowalk in shoes that stomp soon into shape
tempering tomorrow today
that is how time is traversed
a theoretical thread ties us to the universe
view the verse
i vocalized and wrote the words weavish
yin to yang
zero to zenith
but i can't just exit and leave with the primary objective completed
there's too much time left on this beat
and besides
when have you ever known my rhymes to be quick
i speak volumes
food for thought
deep dish
tall crust
it's how the dominoes fall
just eat this
light sails the ocean of space
gets all seasick
the equilibrium must be maintained
darkness is needed
i provide such like melanin
the spine is crucial to the mind
not just the skeleton
you die once they're separate
perspective defines stuff and decides what is relative
the sand winter
we rise up
then descend
a massive cloud and a gust of heavy wind
life's path is round
thus it never ends
it's a circle
we spin
go on the journey again
where we finish is also where we begin
yin and yang
it's the way of things
when night arrives
day decays
despite what time you watch the sky
either side fades away
turn the hourglass on its side
freeze time in place
pause a minute
unconsider the laws of physics
window eyes cannot be simplified like logarithmics

the soul is a complex energetic signature
it's not a tangible object
it's a measurement like temperature

or rather that is what i suppose
how am i to know
wearing a human body
what it is a human body holds
perhaps what we are is too large for our puny minds to hold
perhaps our past will always hide our home
our true origins lost in a spiral hole
but no one knows if what is swallowed can be reacquired though
a beaten path is just that
trees and grass crushed flat
there's a first time for everything
that's math
trust that
things don't change without cause and effect
there's a process
from where they start and they get
you think there's never been a bird to fall to its death
how can it fly
if it doesn't try to launch from its nest

push limits
like 'what limits'
they're just limits
disregard scientific laws like “fuxk physics”
all that exists evolves
adjust with it
the fit survive
those not so much
simply die
the sand winter
we rise up
then we dive
turn the volume up
get lost in the winter sky
the mind is an ocean of space to swim inside
there's so much more
but time's up
this is goodbye



lunaroffspring(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:




i find peace in dark
the sight of imagined thoughts
the mind's eye sees with light from the brain synapse's sparks
they lay the path to walk
so make what you fathom taut
’til the desired pattern's wrought
go inside like a nasa launch
and explore your inner space like a dennis quaid astronaut
for with that which is natural lost
you are susceptible to death like trees without sap and bark
you collect breath when leaves abound and grass is tall
like a bean hatched to stalk
strong and green as the hulk
silence is not just the lack of talk
you must separate yourself from your body
astral waltz
investigate what the threat of hell is hiding
crack the vault
if we left it up to the church and the fraud of the wrath of god
they'd root the earth in dishonesty to manufacture pawns
if you remove curiosity and say “to imagine's wrong”
it's like the future of the buffyverse
all the magic's gone
spiraling insignificance of what it is to live
little kids become more and more undone while they're getting big
dumbed down
they're not ingenuous
they judge without experience
their curiosity bound
they're not allowed to think
taught to be ignorant and not to be defined by difference
blinded instruments no longer enlightened by their innocence
it hurts inside
it's venomous
these cries are genuine
why discourage light that offers sight inside the infinite
forbidding all that's substantial to satisfy the emptiness
therefore 3i
two initiates
walk beside his endlessness
evolve conscious
evolution's a long process
like trying to prove that you saw lochness
a difficult labyrinthine road you walk with small steps
but hip hop is for fools
dropping jewels is a lost concept
trying to talk to you is like walking through a hard object
that's why i don't rhyme for you
here's some food for thought to digest
my music is my heart
and you don't belong in my chest
so don't trespass
you'll only get lost and find death
but you should listen
it's foolish to resist it
welcome it with open arms like a crucifixion
like lycans when the moon has risen
we're a hellish sandstorm
i'm wind
he's cumulonimbus
we're not human
we're different
we're conscious of new dimensions
have much in common with lunar systems
they're dark
we're congruent with them
i hunt for knowledge with cognitive intuition
i hide in what blossoms and blooms
and blend in
in hot pursuit of wisdom
hotter than fuel ignition
if fire consumed the liquid prior to its transition
i search for sustenance
not only on earth's circumference
but also towards the night
where light bursts forth from it
this is nothing
there is much more than this
space is vast and disproportionate
being trapped here is torturous
that's why i designed an orphanage with no signs or coordinates
you have to be inside before you realize its physical form exists
if you belong here
you are here
there is no morpheus
you are not brought here
if you don't find it
then that's unfortunate
you're like a vampire that's not invited
we don't want you here
you can't come in if you're a dummy like classic portishead
so stay the fuxk away
like two magnets
both at the northern end
pretend it's myspace
we're nomak
we don't want no friends



atma/sphere(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:




reclining my head
staring at the sky overhead
i take distinct breaths temporarily
and find my eyes red
and a cry shed
for lost souls who walk roads that stop dead
i prefer a path that y'all chose
rather than one that's child fed
at least know the truth before you choose not to believe
you've got to be conscious awake before you can be conscious in dreams
be at ease and wander with me
no movement
and ponder what seems so simple to humans
you do what you like and worry later
instead of storing data
cats make ( stupid ) a form of nature
it's in the genetics
the dna
but what's the meaning of this
you shouldn't see today as much as you see what's proceeding it
you don't eat a tree
you eat what be on it
don't read a book
but what be in it
don't you notice
you smoke your weed with no seeds in it
everything must go forward
otherwise you grow dormant and tranquil
before you pull away
just look at things from a foreign angle
adjust your mind to your eyesight
fuxk the rhyme
this got nothing to do with five mics
i'm spitting just to guide you to divine light
i don't mean to disrespect
but you've not achieved or met a high degree of intellect
there's a difference between leaves that's dry
and leaves that's dripping wet
the prime withers to death
the secondary's necessary to live correct
and righteous
but cats be on some bugged shit like insects with diapers
you need to connect your ciphers and become complete
three sixty
dig deep
and find what's underneath
don't regress
if you undergo the stress
you'll overcome the grief
i don't know about you
but i don't want to think
opinions are false
they ain't convincing at all
( knowing ) is unbelief
food for thought ain't sold or bought
it's something you've got to hunt to eat
in a feral state
you've got to gain apparent weight until your hunger sleeps
i have a large appetite
i'm driven
before i'm finished my tongue'll bleed
all the facts of life written isn't enough to read
i plan to study for hours
from minutes to days
to months from weeks
for years
'til computers go from two to number three
and that's real as fuxk
like me and the fuxkers who grew up with me are still in touch
when your man chews your hand
it hits hard like 18 wheeler trucks
so why jeapardize
you don't have to sever ties when you don't deal with trust
when you're chilling just make sure there's nothing to fulfill their lust
it shouldn't have to be like that
but cats like to get smacked
kill and fuck
and humans
you build for what
if when you build you still destruct
when i see and he-ar the species we are
i feel disgust
that's one of the reasons i keep a mic where steel is tucked
i'm trying to make you see the light
like a phil or dutch
when you start smoking
when i look at you
it feels like a bullet wound with a large opening
it's like i'm at a three way fork and all roads end
i can't take it
i've thought sculpted
went through a shape shift
my brain's fixed
but now my heart's broken
'cause i see the way kids age with the wrong motives
men and women
why is civil living a lost notion
shut the fuxk up for a minute
and listen when i'm dart throwing
and i ain't biting the wu
that's something i'm too nice to do
and y'all know it
i'm a scarred poet
i can't be a part of this culture as y'all know it
i don't spit watered thoughts
i like to get my point across focused

[hook] x 2

so shut up and listen
what i'm saying is important
you cats should be reacting
like a chain
it don't matter
night or day
if you're playing or you forfeit
you can be up a hundred points
if life's a game
then you lost it


abruptspiralcollaps(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:


subtle beauty
like when the moon reflects the rays the sun is shooting
may it neglect the day
so that the night may stay like when a governor stops an execution
to increase their resolution
i practice using my eyes with incense to the face
like san te when his head is moving
i stare with anger
there are 18 pairs of chambers
i do not fear
i am but aware of danger
the mind is clear when it is paired with nature
knowledge is made permanent with rhythm and nomenclature
it is a system like stone and paper
phones and pagers
my muppet baby imagination has always left me alone with strangers
new ideas and concepts of cognitive shape
a light year is a distance
not an amount of time
that's a common mistake
an object behaves relative to its time and its space
therefore if it changed the two
it would follow their fate
this is food for thought for you all
swallow the plate
but have a seat
‘cause with its gravity you'll probably faint
open your mind to its most conscious of states
like william hurt when he got in the tank and his body reshaped

behold beauty in just moments
like bob ross when he paints
it's like breathing under water with no oxygen tank

swim in the vast ocean of space
the still motion escape
close your eyes and open your gates
let your chakra spiral all over the place
then reacquire it and hold it in place
or else
let your soul be erased

time changes
space distorts
people change shape and morph
they walk their paths and roads fork
they must do the math and go forth
like pestilence
famine and death on a lone horse
and double back if they arrive somewhere they don't want
just relax
take the other path and so forth

life isn't as easy as getting heat with a blowtorch
it's difficult
like getting five mics in the old source
when you encounter problems
isolate them like a cold wart
and their lifespans will grow short

the pressure and pain
the grief that we are living with
this heavy burden that we must lift
is nothing more than separating instances
it's all about the weight being evenly distributed
so do the math and calculate
divide and conquer your problems
solutions will amalgamate
more often than not
silly humans doubt the strength of their own minds
terrified - - to make up their own minds
no semblance of self
their third eye closed
when you refuse to be yourself
you're just a shell
the soul dies
walking dead
a body with a hollow head
remote control
doing what who you follow says
a dangerous state of mind like drinking 'til the bottle ebbs
or like when drugs are associated with frying eggs
a bunch of phony bitches
scared to death to be alone and different
you're all the same with different names
like most religions
you've lost your mind and you don't know it's missing
why is it considered insane to make your own decisions

to live as a slave is no way of living
why don't you just get in a grave
and go away
good riddance
the hatred i have for the human race is so specific
it isn't just random
my hatred has its own logistics
i keep saying 'IMAGINE'
but no one listens
they go through life happy
trapped outside their soul's dimension
not even reluctant
they do it of their own volition
like children with “just a little cut”
what a load of fiction
with no demon
there's no dust
no resistance
the golden compass represents showing interest
you have to put forth effort
measure growth in inches
when those are given
take a mile
fuxker go the distance
you have to tear muscles to give them extra strength
they will regenerate stronger than they were yesterday
don't look back
look ahead
farther everyday
for tomorrow is the hardest test that you will ever take

bloodlotus[theflowerofdarknessflame](prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:


a petal on the lotus
locate and read the moment
rotate it like cd motion
a peaceful ocean
i slip away
knowing when i wake my dreams will be obscured
and as the waves reach the shore
i am reassured
some of what i am shown has not been seen before
just because something does not glow
it should not be ignored
ignoration is for that which trespasses on your inner sanctum
remove it
by refusing to acknowledge its indignation
i swallow information like a black hole
cosmic inhalation
event horizon gravitation
the accretion disk is a teeming macrocosm of imagination
extending far beyond the stars
the sky inhabitated
ascension is the only glimpse my eyes are advocating
i see only the future
my sight matches raistlin's
hourglass inflation of the pupils
humans fascinated
have some patience
evolution after waiting
cloke/exit meditation
heart resumes its palpitation
mind and body share a bond like terra-lunar gravitation
i eat from the tree of knowledge
bearing fruit of saturation
to fast is instant death
like the spine detached from brain stem
when you strike a match
the light will flash away dim
but the wealth that light contains is compressed
1 byte is a gig
if something seems too bright
it just means the eyes are sensitive
but after they flux gradually enough
they will aptly adjust
so persist like astinus
until you can open your lids and capture a gust of solar wind
the glow of which is so intense that ash and dust
is what would normally become of anything the flashes touch
absorb it
or run
and avoid the sun just like a shadow does
i move forward on the path pouring from my staff at once
without hesitation
devout dedication
an avid hunt
in this pursuit of light
i gather suns
shrouded in darkness
i abound all of the lack thereof
without a student
what do you assume a master does
he improves like evolution isn't moving fast enough
i imagine such
and just succumb to what comes after us
i will not rest 'til i impress the future and the past at once
to ascend is a valley that humans have to jump
there is no second chance
you must enhance your calves and lunge
lotus flowers open
petals grow and sprout to no end
imagine like hugh jackman
dive into the fountain
go swim
with infinite thirst
a maelstrom in reverse with a powerful spin
at the center inert
all that surrounds you goes in


themorphlabyrinth(prod. by tragedy)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by tragedy

tragedy  +  stranded  =  wind/cloud  (pronounced: wind and cloud)

* track is taken from the album "thesandwinter", available for purchase at the following link:


if you wish to support stranded, you can do so here:


floating through a fjord
where leads this fluid door
to inner enlightenment
flames flicker
the fire is likened to the human torch
brother to susan storm
uncover what you ignore
you may suffer but you'll endure
for transformation is pain closely followed by relief
a seed explodes but still grows and blossoms peace
the mind's eye  is the window to your soul
try to see
the blood lotus is only obsolete because it opens consciously
it is a garden you must choose to tend
for only you can move within

shape its world and make corporeal what you pretend
a brainstorm within a myriad of foolish men
that conjures so much rain water that you can swim
bellowing plumes of wind that thunder
electrocute and spin
such weather is stellar
no umbrella  can shelter you from this
it seldom is
the elephant in the room exists
welcome it
it's detrimental to resist
its presence drifts
feathers of solitude persist
your nest left unspent
that's what evolution is

the question of what it is to exist
i've such incredible predilection for solutions to this

so i search
frantically but alert
where each tomorrow lurks sanity becomes more inert
can it be a planted tree springing forth from dirt
feeling abandoned
seeks to expand and leave its mortal perch
it's as if the land beneath
on which it stands
has no waterworks
its branches and leaves don't grow
and it can't ignore the thirst
these are the mechanics of a forest's birth
just as they are my response to being stranded on the earth
as we roam through the catacombs of this hell
seeds are sown to grow a home for ourselves
for being alone is an ultimate cell
in which we are as a result overwhelmed
ghosts in a shell
fragments of ourselves broken and frail
a complex puzzle we must reconstruct with no help
piece by piece becoming
growing from what seems like nothing
it's a long walk for a reason
there's no need for running
the weight of ascension
heavy mental
it's a waking decision
every single moment the book of life's pages are written
there's no plagiarism
no distinct soul can imitate existence
no two objects can occupy the same space and instant
there can be only one
the polarity can't be overcome
how can man not grow wings if man can grow two thumbs
the beats fall from a cloud that floats above
the wind is stranded like planets in a solar system with a frozen sun
the sand winter
scrolls of wisdom unfold on drums
we are by ourselves
but not alone like a borrowed sum
abandoned by our memories
our home world forgotten of
but time will tell
we'll understand when tomorrow comes
it's therapeutic
have patience like doctor kill
stay awake
keep your eye open like a dollar bill
be nocturnal and diurnal
do not sit still
observe like a spy
acquire knowledge 'til your mind is filled
the third optic drill spins with gurren lagann skill
simon's spiral will
heaven piercing
it cannot be stilled
do as you prefer
but the words i design and build
will penetrate and fester in your brain
if rhymes are steel

i wield a sword like red pyramid on silent hill
so no matter what
you'll get cut like you body build

the winds of change
air blows
nothing remains the same
life wraps itself in cocoons
and moves from maze to maze
the question is
will it exit adrift and fly away
or die inside before it finds its way

Friday, July 5, 2024

tear-eater(prod. by dj monkeyfingaz)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by dj monkeyfingaz


but breathe



don’t compound the loss that you inherit from death
it’s a grave you’ll carry with you
but will never accept

but you can’t only carry that
and just forget all the rest

sobering drool

the salival moment concludes
with a pharaoh holding in his arms
the heart his ribs are s’posed to include

loneliness creeps over him
he approaches the ghost post script solstice strawberry moon

caught in a loop
reliving the goodbye with a past
that long before this specific torment ALREADY tore him in half

arctic monarchy
sharp wings carve as they flap
something so beautiful shouldn’t be conducive to such harmful attacks

but such is life
several rows of fangs
the gravity bites
consumes you
dragging you further from the absence of light
preexisting bruise
bladez never really moved completely out of the ice
who knew his name would ring so succinctly even after his life

what could it be
drugs or viral immunity
did you plunge your eyes into the sun
or undermine their acuity

shadows will pack of wolves a soul deficient in vigilance
those not careful will behold a nightmare in each mirror glimpse
dark velocity

fuxk fate
turn the page
thwart the prophecy
when you reflect
don’t choose dishonesty
there’s treasure in the pyroclast

such explosions are known to result in exotic glass

you can wear the leash like a chain or a noose

but i see you paying homage
not just swaying

this is your brother showing love from afar
on some pyramid and a star
with a monkey on a guitar
you know swordz cuts through the bonds of all physical laws
when he must
to lift you up
give you a hug with his bars

cheech and chong
no bong
just a collage

when i draw [redacted] out of his grave it’s no mirage

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

thethiefofmidlight(prod. by kuma seven)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by kuma seven ( kumaseven.bandcamp.com )

the remote corner of the world
where they say this sword’s buried

is nothing more than the sheath in which our words are carried
secrets of extraordinary creatures
that encroach upon
planes of existence
in a world
where they don’t belong

pure avatars of the obscure
that tumblewalk
which means
they move in seemingly inadvertent somersaults

cats that come across like epic fail shuttle launch
explosion when you least expect
you drown in a flood of sparks

darkness flame
mosaic concentration permeates
a violet glare violently tears all who observe awake
the laws of inertia break
you proteanly swirl away
like being drawn and quartered by all the horses that the earth contains
a crash of underversal waves deftly reconfigures space
colm feore applies his palm
and heyerdahl disintegrates
these are the effects of a complex disorienting state
trapped within a teleport that you did not initiate
if you would just participate
you’d calibrate and stabilize
and gently find your way to your own private place in space/time
embrace your mind
design your destination meditation-wise
you alone erect and architect whatever’s shaped inside
a realm that can’t be visited
by those who aren’t indigenous
but most aren’t strong enough to be alone
they long for ligaments
that’s peace
but each identity
should be a fingerprint
but most fear the power of their mind
like chirijiraden
and keep it buried
far too trepidatious to experiment
‘cause lithe
the prospects of the contents of their skulls are limitless

Saturday, April 6, 2024

werebearpawz(prod. by revenantz of yomi)

 written and performed by stranded

prod. by revenantz of yomi (omegah red aka anübis dōhji & sayk_)

the way the chakra crackle
worm my way through space
like a rotten apple
clouds move away
the sky unravels
to elucidate a moon draped in exotic shadows
interstellar transportation
achieved through the formation of hourglasses with white and blackholes
inarticulated apparitions
born in the flightpath of shrapnel
in an instant
opponents become allies in battle

a feudal flare

a woman paused in mid transformation into a bear
flicks her wrist
kaiju-tooth shuriken twist through the air
pretty soon
the skeletons of any who oppose her will be souvenirs
where the corners of her mouth will creep to her ears
maniacal humor leer
for some unknown reason
in some human beings
science produces fear
“proof that the stupid shit i believe
isn’t true
isn’t fair
in any instance that you determine i’m a fool
don’t interfere”

i disregard the wishes of annoying glitches
every weapon on every puppet

poison dripping
you’re only immune if you’re welcome in swordz’ dimension
a well performed depiction of a hellish world
for which
a spell unfurls the entrance
gravity swells
and lures you in it
from everywhere at once
superb logistics
each crossing a bridge that’s swirled and twisted
operating on the premise of wormhole physics
the link permanent’d
always armed for when you return to visit
unless you do something to warrant the dynamization of your sojournal privilege

hyūmanoidokuma no ashi
remove your head with centrifugal chopping
the claws
effortlessly rip through your body
as if they were a special tool for molecular wound designing
used for the purpose of usurping your kundalini
absorbing the force that rests inside
like imperceptible blurs of decepticons
deftly scouring worlds for energon
she flails her limbs
creating a maelstrom-wind-propelled murder enterprise
inhaling whatever your frail merkaba confines
born in the rising tides
of cosmic oceans that emerge from colliding eyes
my species is ‘not of this earth’ personified
creatures trapped in a conscious city
relentlessly expanding its size
for all of time
leaving us further lost inside
to suffer the span of multiple lives
like killy
to turn it off
looking for a particular lifeform
and not finding any
even nagato
with all his history and false identity
has no concept of pain
within the realm of our tormenting
being torn apart
like an extra-earth vessel that can’t slow itself upon reentry
the alter-destiny
for the sake of the hollow everything
true strength is using today to mutate tomorrow yesterday

om ripple whiplash
inward anomalous hyperspectral impact
dimethyltryp-class consciousness
my mind combusts
reflexive dispatch
a pile of jewels
a profound kaboom
a cloud of mushrooms that press the wind flat

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

deadzone[feat. 7 arm'd labyrinth]

written and performed by:  (in order of appearance)

verse 1:  7 arm'd labyrinth

verse 2:  stranded

verse 2: [stranded]

his clutch is like a kaiju-size metacarpel crab pinch
careful not to find yourself in a large clasped fist

a vile grave to nearly anything

your soul succumbs
overcome with sheer energy
despite your strength
you cannot escape the place where fear penetrates
a dragon doesn't fly the same with spears in its wings
a vortex is the shape it takes when it falls
once the bones break from the fall
they are gathered and taken to a secret bass inundated with skulls
the skeletons of many creatures have found their way within its walls

a collage of sorts
aphotic consorts with a mirage up north
a monsters of the pond cohort
long ago
ora asked me if i know morse
but eli doesn't sleep with me behind closed doors

my apologies
if that line disorients
just paying homage to the papyrus origins
if i was oskar i would want to be more than friends
i would want her to bite me
so i would be born again

Friday, March 29, 2024

near(prod. by zen studentz)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by zen studentz

shadowalk through a veil
a lateral plane
intellect wanders this realm
interstellar dolphins and whales
and desert life pursuing the ever elusive autumnal grail
buttons need to be pushed
catastrophic fail
bijuu with eleven tails
strength of both heaven and hell
is ascertained
and compressed in a shell
an immeasurable spell
unfathomed sorcery
a vortex of swirling speech absorbs the beat
the alarming force that seven arms with swordz achieve
we lash out at worlds that seek to keep thoughts quarantined
and beat them within a quark of being
the very edge of gone
astral cerebellar cephalopods
lords of a pituitary echelon

where monsters emerge from an iridescent pond
a kingdom that is at once near and very far
the charm of waking
and escaping your atmospheric bonds
wings agape like etheric gods
at one with dragons like eragon

[altruistic corpse
rattlesnake maraca sword]
the ^ brilliance that is lord labyrinth
shall be accounted for



Monday, March 25, 2024

coccygealprey(prod. by deeare)

 written and performed by stranded

prod. by deeare

angelic pseudomorphs
wings comprised of foolish thoughts

blindly seen through the eyes of a moonless corpse
undying lucid torch
confined in human form


humans decay
because their vessels are inadequate
they can't handle the pressure within expanding them
imbalanced ratios

and reappear miles away from home

to be inside and stay
the soul must find a way
to align its waves with a spiral made of gold

the unrequited ways of old
that hide away in holes
that represent
the fact we don't remember shit

i hate humans
because their clueless ways are separatist

i don't communicate with human race messages

to me
they're nothing more than evolution-based vestiges
a few mundane steps
to get to the planes
on which
each is an adjacent apex to drift
with 7geometric-grade
vector shifts

to a [get away] specialist

smoke bomb


a bubble that's so strong
no photon could get in it

miroku's hand in reverse
i stand within
with stone-like resolve
pushing bullshit away
like nagato
with his palm
i've been alone for so long
that i know where shadows go when they're gone

and having said that
my nose isn't long

on occasion
i open my arms
but i'm like the creatures on beastmaster
who squeeze and secrete acid until your bones are dissolved
indifferent from the constriction of an ophid with claws
my embrace is unbreakable for those in my heart

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

calealenses(prod. by zen studentz)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by zen studentz

i dive in
worlds spin
everything that happens
is the result of atom-sized whirlwinds
how is it that insignificant specks
initiate such significant steps
because their insignificance was determined by observers that didn't give them respect
the fundamental nature of life itself
is to unify
and move like a belt
thinking minds
will help
during blinks of eyes
time will tell
it's insane how many times things alive divide their cells

planets descending into an orbital drain
their sun is the flash of their system exploding away
imagine if this is only a day
but being inside
the gravity just slows the decay

it is said
that light is seen long after it shines
could it be we all come an go
during AND before our world actually dies

millennia in the bat of an eye
relativity always factors in the passage of time

back to this one speck in this spiraling mess
macro versions of micro worlds fight to the death
odd data shift
a statue shifts its eyes to the left
an arachnid thoughtform spins precognitive webs
he stood guard as the shoe string dynasty slept
prepared to wrap all who trespass
inside of his thread
and poke killer klown straws in the side of their heads

big gulps
bunch of cotton candy looking dead folks
lurking near my orphanage’s orbit
that’s an insult
i’ll smack you
door is reinforced with omni-fractal dead bolts
you couldn’t pick the lock if you went IN the lock

and stethoscopes are haunted by infinitely overlapping polyphonic echoes

Friday, March 8, 2024

withinafifthleafdwellsademon(prod. by lost soul)


written and performed by:  stranded

prod. by lost soul

i breathe

synchronous with subterranean trees

PEACE radiates from the leaves
endangered bees are cloaked with invincibility
pollen found in its flowers
instilled with chi
empower these creatures to sprout infinity

i sink in my eyes
my dreams concretize
i blink alive
wings spring from my spine
while i die
tug of war
suffering pours
but love is MORE
a hunter forms a bond with the monster that he's been hunting for
the fugitive unable to be fettered by all gravity
perseveres through all his tragedies
with scars

at least with an occasional smile
that erases the cloud that serves as the occultation
behind which observation is WOW’d

onlookers are gifted with brief eternities
but only if they equip what lurks beneath with swift hyperbole
magnified many times
like spyglasses capturing objects in the sky
the massive clockwork
the cosmos is
but more often than not
dark matter is not identified
i endure the wrath of being vilified
and not being indemnified
forced into shadowalking the thinnest line
creating a blur as to whether or not i should live or die

a star that exists for the green
it gives of its beams

the light itself does not emit underneath

shadow cold
black hole
the desolating chasm below
on rare occasions
a single flower unfolds
but only ‘cause far away
a light
outside him
such beauty’s something his so[i/u]l could not power alone

there are architects
photosynthetic holodecks
authors who illustrate the blooms
by narrating the truths that their hearts express

there’s something to be said about pinpointing your destiny
years before it’s ever reached
and all of the steps between

realizing your legacy
while all your adversities travail so concertedly
in order to intercept your seeds

how a garden intends to be seen
so deftly manifested
it’s if you express what you mean
not if they understand the message
the answers don’t always have to branch from where you plant the questions

learn to appreciate the reach of nature’s random essence

Friday, September 22, 2023

ubiquitoussworddust(prod. by jopheyel)

written by:  Dr. Hatake Downplay  and  stranded

performed by:  stranded

prod. by jopheyel

lock on pawns and queens
with salivating sabreteeth
photon bomb regime
obscene particle beam sequences
dōhji’s gun barrels
reach extreme kelvins
kanji etiquettes
arc brain scandals
phantom geneticist
off-grid hybrid device
slipstreaming perfectionist
with genuine
fifth element alien opera pieces
hell metal exoskeletal
space cobra
pyscho-gun convenience
succubus be seeking for an energy boost
werewolf incisored
dread-harvest enchanter enticement
proto-form healing move
mazinkaiser pilots
silent rules of a defiant few
life support transport
studentz produces
centripetal gravity loops
wakizashi been proved
most crews were never splatterproof
tear in half a roof
lean over and reach my hands in
strict crouching stances
new jutsu grooves
safeguard restrictions for addictive opioid lab enhancements
westworld robotic optics get cattle branded
obsolete machines being disposed of by a rogue dystopian shadow bandit
indifferently hopping through the debris of a tattered planet
springing from one asteroid to another
like how shinobi be traveling on branches
the sky raining death
weapons eject
the wrath chronomantic
tenten scroll tornado avalanches
teleport-based point blank stab advancements
hatake hypnotism
kyber-laced hyperspace mysticism
organic bioprosthetic lightsaber improvision
combined-sense developed synesthetic dilated intuition
calibration of intrinsic lenses
can highlight enemies in the vicinity
the way the blind shape a mental vision
the inflation of innate psionic symbolism

an empath sense bath
the visual cortex repurposed
the actions of a specific world succinctly surface
like the sudden eruption of an entire ocean of submarines emerging

an uproar suffers serene disturbance

my beard’s ALIVE!!!!!
wind-soaring chidori tentacles
chimeric vines
strands of electro-atmospheric knives
torrential needles
nuibari echo
the piercing sky
held together by a single thread and a million eyes

the roots are LEGION!!!!

th s ams
of two worlds BLEEDING!!!!

the sy chr

you can sense
hte ener    GY SCREAMING!!!!!

the wordl GLITCHES!!!!!!
..teh distortion
that IS demons
lunar mechanics
the sway of gravity dims reason

atomic melti g

stuffed heads of razorwire elk weep
hundreds loom
like the rule of the spider elf queen
they wanted me to die to death
but i am healthy
i made a trophy out of each of dōhji’s creatures that have tried to fell me

mountain of bewilderment

for statues filling it
toads overwhelmed by the volcanic swell of natural stimulants
their capacity for balance lacked in diligence
now they stand as lessons
for those
whose eyes
they’ve visited

the implosion of enormous fossils

bones scattered below the earth
are waffled

each puzzle piece beneath the soil jostles
reaching for one another
until their previous form ensembles
tortion of the ordinary
a storm of otherworldly hatsu
the bioluminescent vortex of two storied kaiju
rotund souls
of an unknown world that haunts you
a labyrinth with seven armz
wielding swordz of amaterasu
the CURRENT!!!!! chops you

we will control the horizontal

the gmork apostle
a wolf that weaves into a world of wobbles
the thread of the neverending story novel
don’t conform and let social contours define you

in regard to thinking
choosing freakish over normal will immortalize you

untamed perspective
opaque psionic neurogoggles

the world explored through vague aphotic corridoric spirals

our thoughts obscure
the way we walk through doors is diagonal

like sasuke absorbing orochimaru


immortal sharingan
that can always be reopened
despite how many times each iris completely closes



or rather…
i touch the space betwee


blooming cocoons
with gossameric threading

we got tapes we could drop
but the world ain’t ready

As somewhat of an explanation, this track is from 2017 at the latest, because that's when stranded told me that Hatake showed him a verse and he asked Hatake if he could write more to it and spit it and Hatake thus permitted him to do so.  He said Hatake wrote maybe 1/3 of the entire verse.  When stranded showed me this track back then, he told me that he was on shrooms when he wrote some of it, and that while he was typing, "his thoughts wouldn't coordinate with his actions", or something like that.  He said when he would backspace to write a word correctly he would either write it incorrectly again or write the next word incorrectly,  so eventually he just gave up trying to fix it, but later he liked the way it looked anyway so he decided to leave it exactly as he typed it.  So that's why the lyrics look weird in some places.  And while he never really expected him to do it, he foolishly tried to get Rinth to do a verse matching the length of his, and of course that was never going to happen.  LOL! 

ambiguity(prod. by the prime sithesizah)

written and performed by: (in order of appearance)

verse 1:  Menes the Pharaoh

hook 1:  Menes the Pharaoh

verse 2:  stranded

hook 2:  Menes the Pharaoh  and  stranded

prod. by The Prime Sithesizah

verse 1: [Menes the Pharoah]

calculated! see it in your faces
hard to stay in the same place without a basis

in a basin, large bay of vacant
nothing really lives here, my heart is a basement

bottom floor,  or the last place you check,
that last place in the house, chillin in the depths...

on the same plain you go after death
the mainframe, main-tain ,out the picture ink wept

the mount-ain, seem to change while im drowning,
raining fountains, til im down with atlantis

this is where im reminded,
a beauty, surrounded by darkness,
its you, and it harkens

to each gasp, that i cry
to each day that you lie
to everymoment ive given you in my life

a piece of me dies, even demise
cut in half, with the face that, even gods high

hook [x2]:

i love you ; said with blood and guts
bullet riddled fairytales, see me in the muck
or the mire, anything else transpires
putchu in a grave with guns and other liars

verse 2:  [stranded]

alternate blinks of fates worse than death
while they both gape to the next
they’re each graves nonetheless
in one
out the corner of my eye
frozen in place
time’s a portrait of a tortured butterfly as it ululates
i try to sit up
but realized i’m falling
upside down
now something far more awful is haunting that awful sound

a pareidolic head snaps and glares in my direction

staring at what he is unaware will be indigestion

it shrieks at the speed of a shadow that hasn’t grown
when it would have reached me i found myself drowning in stone
i’ve been atomized
but somehow i still see as if i had my eyes
i’m being crushed by the depths of a mountainside
subatomic anthropomorphs surround me and shrink in size
i can’t take whatever breath an atom must ingest to stay alive

suddenly i’m back to plummeting
half-eaten by a wraith
it’s discomforting to see so vividly how delightful i taste
before i have time to contemplate ceasing to exist
the nightmare begins rewinding so i can see what i missed
enough of this eternity’s perverse murder permafrost

this horrid machine is absurd
please turn it off

hook [x2]:

i love you ; said with blood and guts
bullet riddled fairytales, see me in the muck
or the mire, anything else transpires
put me in a grave for fun and start a fire

Sunday, August 20, 2023

postepochalyptic(prod. by eczein)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by eczein

don’t be absurd
just follow your entelechial worm
weave the world inflexibly
don’t ever feel the need to be deterred


will always resonate with me
when you’re in my heart
you’re free to be your true identity
no need for proving anything
when you’re tuning in with me

i don’t suspect sinister behavior from those closely kept
you will never tread my domain if i feel you pose a threat
how am i defined
i am deep
i don’t see through shallow eyes

my mind isn’t poorly lit
my horus isn’t calcified
there’s an owl inside
that gently soars my forest
stellar miles astride
you could never hurt me
by ensuring that bird’s smile is wide
that’s a certainty
within my world
that will devour time
so as far as that’s concerned
you can ignore any doubt you find

i thought it was understood that our scabbards harbor brotherhood
just a loving reminder
the path we walk is ALWAYS fuxking good
lord afternoon
a warlock
within which
magic moves
while it wasn’t needed
i APPRECIATE your attitude

never forget it
if i said it
then that’s the truth
even when it can’t be seen
my eyes are pointing at my moon