Friday, July 5, 2024

tear-eater(prod. by dj monkeyfingaz)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by dj monkeyfingaz


but breathe



don’t compound the loss that you inherit from death
it’s a grave you’ll carry with you
but will never accept

but you can’t only carry that
and just forget all the rest

sobering drool

the salival moment concludes
with a pharaoh holding in his arms
the heart his ribs are s’posed to include

loneliness creeps over him
he approaches the ghost post script solstice strawberry moon

caught in a loop
reliving the goodbye with a past
that long before this specific torment ALREADY tore him in half

arctic monarchy
sharp wings carve as they flap
something so beautiful shouldn’t be conducive to such harmful attacks

but such is life
several rows of fangs
the gravity bites
consumes you
dragging you further from the absence of light
preexisting bruise
bladez never really moved completely out of the ice
who knew his name would ring so succinctly even after his life

what could it be
drugs or viral immunity
did you plunge your eyes into the sun
or undermine their acuity

shadows will pack of wolves a soul deficient in vigilance
those not careful will behold a nightmare in each mirror glimpse
dark velocity

fuxk fate
turn the page
thwart the prophecy
when you reflect
don’t choose dishonesty
there’s treasure in the pyroclast

such explosions are known to result in exotic glass

you can wear the leash like a chain or a noose

but i see you paying homage
not just swaying

this is your brother showing love from afar
on some pyramid and a star
with a monkey on a guitar
you know swordz cuts through the bonds of all physical laws
when he must
to lift you up
give you a hug with his bars

cheech and chong
no bong
just a collage

when i draw [redacted] out of his grave it’s no mirage

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

thethiefofmidlight(prod. by kuma seven)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by kuma seven ( )

the remote corner of the world
where they say this sword’s buried

is nothing more than the sheath in which our words are carried
secrets of extraordinary creatures
that encroach upon
planes of existence
in a world
where they don’t belong

pure avatars of the obscure
that tumblewalk
which means
they move in seemingly inadvertent somersaults

cats that come across like epic fail shuttle launch
explosion when you least expect
you drown in a flood of sparks

darkness flame
mosaic concentration permeates
a violet glare violently tears all who observe awake
the laws of inertia break
you proteanly swirl away
like being drawn and quartered by all the horses that the earth contains
a crash of underversal waves deftly reconfigures space
colm feore applies his palm
and heyerdahl disintegrates
these are the effects of a complex disorienting state
trapped within a teleport that you did not initiate
if you would just participate
you’d calibrate and stabilize
and gently find your way to your own private place in space/time
embrace your mind
design your destination meditation-wise
you alone erect and architect whatever’s shaped inside
a realm that can’t be visited
by those who aren’t indigenous
but most aren’t strong enough to be alone
they long for ligaments
that’s peace
but each identity
should be a fingerprint
but most fear the power of their mind
like chirijiraden
and keep it buried
far too trepidatious to experiment
‘cause lithe
the prospects of the contents of their skulls are limitless

Saturday, April 6, 2024

werebearpawz(prod. by revenantz of yomi)

 written and performed by stranded

prod. by revenantz of yomi (omegah red aka anübis dōhji & sayk_)

the way the chakra crackle
worm my way through space
like a rotten apple
clouds move away
the sky unravels
to elucidate a moon draped in exotic shadows
interstellar transportation
achieved through the formation of hourglasses with white and blackholes
inarticulated apparitions
born in the flightpath of shrapnel
in an instant
opponents become allies in battle

a feudal flare

a woman paused in mid transformation into a bear
flicks her wrist
kaiju-tooth shuriken twist through the air
pretty soon
the skeletons of any who oppose her will be souvenirs
where the corners of her mouth will creep to her ears
maniacal humor leer
for some unknown reason
in some human beings
science produces fear
“proof that the stupid shit i believe
isn’t true
isn’t fair
in any instance that you determine i’m a fool
don’t interfere”

i disregard the wishes of annoying glitches
every weapon on every puppet

poison dripping
you’re only immune if you’re welcome in swordz’ dimension
a well performed depiction of a hellish world
for which
a spell unfurls the entrance
gravity swells
and lures you in it
from everywhere at once
superb logistics
each crossing a bridge that’s swirled and twisted
operating on the premise of wormhole physics
the link permanent’d
always armed for when you return to visit
unless you do something to warrant the dynamization of your sojournal privilege

hyūmanoidokuma no ashi
remove your head with centrifugal chopping
the claws
effortlessly rip through your body
as if they were a special tool for molecular wound designing
used for the purpose of usurping your kundalini
absorbing the force that rests inside
like imperceptible blurs of decepticons
deftly scouring worlds for energon
she flails her limbs
creating a maelstrom-wind-propelled murder enterprise
inhaling whatever your frail merkaba confines
born in the rising tides
of cosmic oceans that emerge from colliding eyes
my species is ‘not of this earth’ personified
creatures trapped in a conscious city
relentlessly expanding its size
for all of time
leaving us further lost inside
to suffer the span of multiple lives
like killy
to turn it off
looking for a particular lifeform
and not finding any
even nagato
with all his history and false identity
has no concept of pain
within the realm of our tormenting
being torn apart
like an extra-earth vessel that can’t slow itself upon reentry
the alter-destiny
for the sake of the hollow everything
true strength is using today to mutate tomorrow yesterday

om ripple whiplash
inward anomalous hyperspectral impact
dimethyltryp-class consciousness
my mind combusts
reflexive dispatch
a pile of jewels
a profound kaboom
a cloud of mushrooms that press the wind flat

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

deadzone[feat. 7 arm'd labyrinth]

written and performed by:  (in order of appearance)

verse 1:  7 arm'd labyrinth

verse 2:  stranded

verse 2: [stranded]

his clutch is like a kaiju-size metacarpel crab pinch
careful not to find yourself in a large clasped fist

a vile grave to nearly anything

your soul succumbs
overcome with sheer energy
despite your strength
you cannot escape the place where fear penetrates
a dragon doesn't fly the same with spears in its wings
a vortex is the shape it takes when it falls
once the bones break from the fall
they are gathered and taken to a secret bass inundated with skulls
the skeletons of many creatures have found their way within its walls

a collage of sorts
aphotic consorts with a mirage up north
a monsters of the pond cohort
long ago
ora asked me if i know morse
but eli doesn't sleep with me behind closed doors

my apologies
if that line disorients
just paying homage to the papyrus origins
if i was oskar i would want to be more than friends
i would want her to bite me
so i would be born again

Friday, March 29, 2024

near(prod. by zen studentz)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by zen studentz

shadowalk through a veil
a lateral plane
intellect wanders this realm
interstellar dolphins and whales
and desert life pursuing the ever elusive autumnal grail
buttons need to be pushed
catastrophic fail
bijuu with eleven tails
strength of both heaven and hell
is ascertained
and compressed in a shell
an immeasurable spell
unfathomed sorcery
a vortex of swirling speech absorbs the beat
the alarming force that seven arms with swordz achieve
we lash out at worlds that seek to keep thoughts quarantined
and beat them within a quark of being
the very edge of gone
astral cerebellar cephalopods
lords of a pituitary echelon

where monsters emerge from an iridescent pond
a kingdom that is at once near and very far
the charm of waking
and escaping your atmospheric bonds
wings agape like etheric gods
at one with dragons like eragon

[altruistic corpse
rattlesnake maraca sword]
the ^ brilliance that is lord labyrinth
shall be accounted for



Monday, March 25, 2024

coccygealprey(prod. by deeare)

 written and performed by stranded

prod. by deeare

angelic pseudomorphs
wings comprised of foolish thoughts

blindly seen through the eyes of a moonless corpse
undying lucid torch
confined in human form


humans decay
because their vessels are inadequate
they can't handle the pressure within expanding them
imbalanced ratios

and reappear miles away from home

to be inside and stay
the soul must find a way
to align its waves with a spiral made of gold

the unrequited ways of old
that hide away in holes
that represent
the fact we don't remember shit

i hate humans
because their clueless ways are separatist

i don't communicate with human race messages

to me
they're nothing more than evolution-based vestiges
a few mundane steps
to get to the planes
on which
each is an adjacent apex to drift
with 7geometric-grade
vector shifts

to a [get away] specialist

smoke bomb


a bubble that's so strong
no photon could get in it

miroku's hand in reverse
i stand within
with stone-like resolve
pushing bullshit away
like nagato
with his palm
i've been alone for so long
that i know where shadows go when they're gone

and having said that
my nose isn't long

on occasion
i open my arms
but i'm like the creatures on beastmaster
who squeeze and secrete acid until your bones are dissolved
indifferent from the constriction of an ophid with claws
my embrace is unbreakable for those in my heart

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

calealenses(prod. by zen studentz)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by zen studentz

i dive in
worlds spin
everything that happens
is the result of atom-sized whirlwinds
how is it that insignificant specks
initiate such significant steps
because their insignificance was determined by observers that didn't give them respect
the fundamental nature of life itself
is to unify
and move like a belt
thinking minds
will help
during blinks of eyes
time will tell
it's insane how many times things alive divide their cells

planets descending into an orbital drain
their sun is the flash of their system exploding away
imagine if this is only a day
but being inside
the gravity just slows the decay

it is said
that light is seen long after it shines
could it be we all come an go
during AND before our world actually dies

millennia in the bat of an eye
relativity always factors in the passage of time

back to this one speck in this spiraling mess
macro versions of micro worlds fight to the death
odd data shift
a statue shifts its eyes to the left
an arachnid thoughtform spins precognitive webs
he stood guard as the shoe string dynasty slept
prepared to wrap all who trespass
inside of his thread
and poke killer klown straws in the side of their heads

big gulps
bunch of cotton candy looking dead folks
lurking near my orphanage’s orbit
that’s an insult
i’ll smack you
door is reinforced with omni-fractal dead bolts
you couldn’t pick the lock if you went IN the lock

and stethoscopes are haunted by infinitely overlapping polyphonic echoes

Friday, March 8, 2024

withinafifthleafdwellsademon(prod. by lost soul)


written and performed by:  stranded

prod. by lost soul

i breathe

synchronous with subterranean trees

PEACE radiates from the leaves
endangered bees are cloaked with invincibility
pollen found in its flowers
instilled with chi
empower these creatures to sprout infinity

i sink in my eyes
my dreams concretize
i blink alive
wings spring from my spine
while i die
tug of war
suffering pours
but love is MORE
a hunter forms a bond with the monster that he's been hunting for
the fugitive unable to be fettered by all gravity
perseveres through all his tragedies
with scars

at least with an occasional smile
that erases the cloud that serves as the occultation
behind which observation is WOW’d

onlookers are gifted with brief eternities
but only if they equip what lurks beneath with swift hyperbole
magnified many times
like spyglasses capturing objects in the sky
the massive clockwork
the cosmos is
but more often than not
dark matter is not identified
i endure the wrath of being vilified
and not being indemnified
forced into shadowalking the thinnest line
creating a blur as to whether or not i should live or die

a star that exists for the green
it gives of its beams

the light itself does not emit underneath

shadow cold
black hole
the desolating chasm below
on rare occasions
a single flower unfolds
but only ‘cause far away
a light
outside him
such beauty’s something his so[i/u]l could not power alone

there are architects
photosynthetic holodecks
authors who illustrate the blooms
by narrating the truths that their hearts express

there’s something to be said about pinpointing your destiny
years before it’s ever reached
and all of the steps between

realizing your legacy
while all your adversities travail so concertedly
in order to intercept your seeds

how a garden intends to be seen
so deftly manifested
it’s if you express what you mean
not if they understand the message
the answers don’t always have to branch from where you plant the questions

learn to appreciate the reach of nature’s random essence

Friday, September 22, 2023

ubiquitoussworddust(prod. by jopheyel)

written by:  Dr. Hatake Downplay  and  stranded

performed by:  stranded

prod. by jopheyel

lock on pawns and queens
with salivating sabreteeth
photon bomb regime
obscene particle beam sequences
dōhji’s gun barrels
reach extreme kelvins
kanji etiquettes
arc brain scandals
phantom geneticist
off-grid hybrid device
slipstreaming perfectionist
with genuine
fifth element alien opera pieces
hell metal exoskeletal
space cobra
pyscho-gun convenience
succubus be seeking for an energy boost
werewolf incisored
dread-harvest enchanter enticement
proto-form healing move
mazinkaiser pilots
silent rules of a defiant few
life support transport
studentz produces
centripetal gravity loops
wakizashi been proved
most crews were never splatterproof
tear in half a roof
lean over and reach my hands in
strict crouching stances
new jutsu grooves
safeguard restrictions for addictive opioid lab enhancements
westworld robotic optics get cattle branded
obsolete machines being disposed of by a rogue dystopian shadow bandit
indifferently hopping through the debris of a tattered planet
springing from one asteroid to another
like how shinobi be traveling on branches
the sky raining death
weapons eject
the wrath chronomantic
tenten scroll tornado avalanches
teleport-based point blank stab advancements
hatake hypnotism
kyber-laced hyperspace mysticism
organic bioprosthetic lightsaber improvision
combined-sense developed synesthetic dilated intuition
calibration of intrinsic lenses
can highlight enemies in the vicinity
the way the blind shape a mental vision
the inflation of innate psionic symbolism

an empath sense bath
the visual cortex repurposed
the actions of a specific world succinctly surface
like the sudden eruption of an entire ocean of submarines emerging

an uproar suffers serene disturbance

my beard’s ALIVE!!!!!
wind-soaring chidori tentacles
chimeric vines
strands of electro-atmospheric knives
torrential needles
nuibari echo
the piercing sky
held together by a single thread and a million eyes

the roots are LEGION!!!!

th s ams
of two worlds BLEEDING!!!!

the sy chr

you can sense
hte ener    GY SCREAMING!!!!!

the wordl GLITCHES!!!!!!
..teh distortion
that IS demons
lunar mechanics
the sway of gravity dims reason

atomic melti g

stuffed heads of razorwire elk weep
hundreds loom
like the rule of the spider elf queen
they wanted me to die to death
but i am healthy
i made a trophy out of each of dōhji’s creatures that have tried to fell me

mountain of bewilderment

for statues filling it
toads overwhelmed by the volcanic swell of natural stimulants
their capacity for balance lacked in diligence
now they stand as lessons
for those
whose eyes
they’ve visited

the implosion of enormous fossils

bones scattered below the earth
are waffled

each puzzle piece beneath the soil jostles
reaching for one another
until their previous form ensembles
tortion of the ordinary
a storm of otherworldly hatsu
the bioluminescent vortex of two storied kaiju
rotund souls
of an unknown world that haunts you
a labyrinth with seven armz
wielding swordz of amaterasu
the CURRENT!!!!! chops you

we will control the horizontal

the gmork apostle
a wolf that weaves into a world of wobbles
the thread of the neverending story novel
don’t conform and let social contours define you

in regard to thinking
choosing freakish over normal will immortalize you

untamed perspective
opaque psionic neurogoggles

the world explored through vague aphotic corridoric spirals

our thoughts obscure
the way we walk through doors is diagonal

like sasuke absorbing orochimaru


immortal sharingan
that can always be reopened
despite how many times each iris completely closes



or rather…
i touch the space betwee


blooming cocoons
with gossameric threading

we got tapes we could drop
but the world ain’t ready

As somewhat of an explanation, this track is from 2017 at the latest, because that's when stranded told me that Hatake showed him a verse and he asked Hatake if he could write more to it and spit it and Hatake thus permitted him to do so.  He said Hatake wrote maybe 1/3 of the entire verse.  When stranded showed me this track back then, he told me that he was on shrooms when he wrote some of it, and that while he was typing, "his thoughts wouldn't coordinate with his actions", or something like that.  He said when he would backspace to write a word correctly he would either write it incorrectly again or write the next word incorrectly,  so eventually he just gave up trying to fix it, but later he liked the way it looked anyway so he decided to leave it exactly as he typed it.  So that's why the lyrics look weird in some places.  And while he never really expected him to do it, he foolishly tried to get Rinth to do a verse matching the length of his, and of course that was never going to happen.  LOL! 

ambiguity(prod. by the prime sithesizah)

written and performed by: (in order of appearance)

verse 1:  Menes the Pharaoh

hook 1:  Menes the Pharaoh

verse 2:  stranded

hook 2:  Menes the Pharaoh  and  stranded

prod. by The Prime Sithesizah

verse 1: [Menes the Pharoah]

calculated! see it in your faces
hard to stay in the same place without a basis

in a basin, large bay of vacant
nothing really lives here, my heart is a basement

bottom floor,  or the last place you check,
that last place in the house, chillin in the depths...

on the same plain you go after death
the mainframe, main-tain ,out the picture ink wept

the mount-ain, seem to change while im drowning,
raining fountains, til im down with atlantis

this is where im reminded,
a beauty, surrounded by darkness,
its you, and it harkens

to each gasp, that i cry
to each day that you lie
to everymoment ive given you in my life

a piece of me dies, even demise
cut in half, with the face that, even gods high

hook [x2]:

i love you ; said with blood and guts
bullet riddled fairytales, see me in the muck
or the mire, anything else transpires
putchu in a grave with guns and other liars

verse 2:  [stranded]

alternate blinks of fates worse than death
while they both gape to the next
they’re each graves nonetheless
in one
out the corner of my eye
frozen in place
time’s a portrait of a tortured butterfly as it ululates
i try to sit up
but realized i’m falling
upside down
now something far more awful is haunting that awful sound

a pareidolic head snaps and glares in my direction

staring at what he is unaware will be indigestion

it shrieks at the speed of a shadow that hasn’t grown
when it would have reached me i found myself drowning in stone
i’ve been atomized
but somehow i still see as if i had my eyes
i’m being crushed by the depths of a mountainside
subatomic anthropomorphs surround me and shrink in size
i can’t take whatever breath an atom must ingest to stay alive

suddenly i’m back to plummeting
half-eaten by a wraith
it’s discomforting to see so vividly how delightful i taste
before i have time to contemplate ceasing to exist
the nightmare begins rewinding so i can see what i missed
enough of this eternity’s perverse murder permafrost

this horrid machine is absurd
please turn it off

hook [x2]:

i love you ; said with blood and guts
bullet riddled fairytales, see me in the muck
or the mire, anything else transpires
put me in a grave for fun and start a fire

Sunday, August 20, 2023

postepochalyptic(prod. by eczein)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by eczein

don’t be absurd
just follow your entelechial worm
weave the world inflexibly
don’t ever feel the need to be deterred


will always resonate with me
when you’re in my heart
you’re free to be your true identity
no need for proving anything
when you’re tuning in with me

i don’t suspect sinister behavior from those closely kept
you will never tread my domain if i feel you pose a threat
how am i defined
i am deep
i don’t see through shallow eyes

my mind isn’t poorly lit
my horus isn’t calcified
there’s an owl inside
that gently soars my forest
stellar miles astride
you could never hurt me
by ensuring that bird’s smile is wide
that’s a certainty
within my world
that will devour time
so as far as that’s concerned
you can ignore any doubt you find

i thought it was understood that our scabbards harbor brotherhood
just a loving reminder
the path we walk is ALWAYS fuxking good
lord afternoon
a warlock
within which
magic moves
while it wasn’t needed
i APPRECIATE your attitude

never forget it
if i said it
then that’s the truth
even when it can’t be seen
my eyes are pointing at my moon

Monday, August 14, 2023

thekokkakuscarsystem(prod. by sayk_)

 written and performed by stranded


prod. by sayk_



the abracadabra tree
a palace made out of leaves

obscure tangents adorn each branch with worlds
a thousand deep
an empty sky threatens what’s in his eyes with going sound asleep
a vacuum attached to his soul
where myriad gallons leak
it absorbs the auric clouds that form his aurora borealic sea
it thirstily imbibes
but certain stimuli produces galaxies
he solidifies illusions to lucid out the dream
ignescent revolution
self-induced impudent alchemy
however brief
a shroud of peace
to corral his grief
he manages to starve the antistar
as its fervent mouth accretes
a silence shrieks
a chrysalis’ door explodes
out pours a creature in seemingly metamorphing clothes
a scramble suit depicting an endless index of assorted souls
the ubiquitously chimeric free spirit that sea/swordz upholds
the framework that arrives on the horizon when you tilt your eyes

at an angle to convert pitch-blackness to a brilliant sky

some pain serves to congeal all time
i escape the hurt on origami birds my quill designs
the folds provided to the paper can be made beyond a million times
its elaborate shapes and curves
made by words as i soliloquize
i go within
the ONLY path that leads to fully blossoming

like several bullets
launched from me
petals stretch to their garden’s reach
EYE determine where my soil’s fruit will travel to
the sort of roots from which immortal flowers bloom
on non-surrounding moons
you’d have to teleport

to where distant worlds abound
in order to be able to absorb their more pronounced perfumes

even when i’m inert
i’m rooted in an omniverse
from there
my flower beds spread
like rumors of tutankhamun’s curse
you rise from earth
as an exigent moonlit sky usurps
hands spring from the clouds
swoop down
and lift you up


Tuesday, August 8, 2023

dimethylegotryptamine(prod. by wakizashi jabberwockyz)

 written and performed by stranded

prod. by wakizashi jabberwockyz

i not listening

i’s in a trance
like a puppet moves
bernie lomax with a pigeon
sacrificial chicken substitute

rinth spiraling inside his prison construct
the biggest arm
by far
of the god
aphotic crop-dust
it allows him to produce
but what’s the price for that protection
his music’s i!! as fuxk
but that katana’s ambidextrous
i seen him first hand
swirl in a vortex
and crash in hell
forced to give my words a nap
and turn my back on castiel
with all her heart
a ball of yarn
and a bag of m & m’s
don’t forget
give her a call next time you grab them scissors

tough love
but love nonetheless
this has to stop

morelor on “shadowockz”
ouroboros astronaut
a time loop confines you
you’re in an izanami eye zoo
the exit’s a tiny hole
that only you can hope to slide through
in that
you’re alone
but don’t forget amaterasu
a ghostly mirage of swordz
a forest of cloudz ALWAYS gotchoo
so if you were to fall
the surface won’t be so hard
that you collide to
we’ll soften the blow upon your soul
control the horizontal
as your demonic atmosphere extends
we’re the end
as your spirit swims
one of us’ll hook you up
and reel you in
pull you from the brink like bags of cash
and celebrate the aftermath
be sure the lagomorphan denizen escapes the magic hat
i step into a cypher
and watch a skeletal waitstaff collapse
may death embrace those who don’t respect the rays a shadow casts
for one is not alive
if one’s bereft of nature’s habitat
life is not just light
it’s all there is
it’s not just half of that
tao disc amalgam alchemist
suns swallowed on behalf of apt
tumble walking
inadvertent somersaulting acrobats
who bounce across the universe
through galaxies
they drift
once you drown
and reemerge
reality endures a shift
the world relents
beneath the gravity of an insurgent glitch
the software overwritten
reconfigured blueprints

don’t mind the turbulence
it’s natural that you swirl a bit
these spastic vortices have stochastic origins

a random walk
below a sky much like the planet’s core’s
a sea of light that only ever feeds the eyes of a clan of dwarves
keep that in mind when you collect the deep insights that dance in yours

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

optigon[heart-shapedlabyrinth](prod. by ^thousand[trollz])

written and performed by stranded

prod. by ^thousand[trollz]  (pronounced:  a thousand trollz)

blood in the aquarium
the ship can’t enter hyperspace
banished to obscurity
like purity to cybercrates
i walk into a violet lake
the aura splashing several worlds
searching for the means
to calm a brow
so it never furrows

i want to see you free of pain
as you rise from rest
for all the things
that prey on you
to fade
at your time of death

how could i not obsess
a cloak transmogrified to dress

a shadow redesigned
until its light inside reflects

innate explosion
of a gentle light overlap
somehow pleasantly
it seems as if my bones collapse
in the wake
of my newfound photoblast
in an em-fluid
thousand petal lotus splash
reaching out like dying stars
my tentacles are everywhere
hydrostatic hourglassic vacuums
in the ethersphere

the most beautiful silence
that you could ever hear
secluded science
of the hidden realm’s
expressive gears

in utero
the re-blooming of two muted souls
two halves of a star
reunited computer code
lost in a lunar glow
we’re not even human though
we take what we’re given
and redistribute it
what exactly do you know
be honest
don’t be lying bitch
many claim it’s bright
but it’s in a dark world
that EYE exist
conduct examinations
properly acknowledge shit
majority rules
outweighs all photonic blips
choosing one over the other
is not what’s meant
they must be swirled together
to endeavor higher consciousness
despite the adversarial gravitation
i persist
moving with a single purpose
immersed in a spiral disc

i WILL eject

come out the other side evolved
how could i expect to live
if i had never died at all

ether china doll
i collide with awe

the impact
is like a stampede of dinosaurs
the molecules that i absorb
a volatile mnemonic storm
the vibes that resonate
generate an unforgotten warmth

rain inside a jar
a glacier takes time to thaw

i’ll roam forever
in a maze shaped like a heart

i embark
hidden pool
swimming apparitions

wrists kaboom
profound twitches
vivid aft dimensions

pay attention
if ever
you have a chance to listen
nearly everything i say
is an aphorism

obscure shadows glisten
in intimate anachronism
magic flickers
time collapses
dramatic whispers
a swarm of tiny fragments
in a vast collision
alchemizing that which is abstract
to enact a vision

there’s no escaping
the true nature
of anything
beneath the weight
of a cloud’s deflation
when it rains
i advocate the advent
of binary growth
the stimulation
of inner flames
incendiary to both

two remarkable creatures
sincerely sharing their souls
to generate a light
extremely rare to be known

exotic oscillation
jostling photonic fur
fuzzy starfire
conscious vivid cosmoponic blur
a ronin
accompanied by a cat
an astro-knot occurs
her pride of blades
synchronizing with a lion’s purr
this is the sky
i choose to reach my eyes
on evenings i observe
brilliance eviscerates
the empty space
when their smiles emerge

more gonorrhea(morgana/rea)
let that stellar fire burn
as long as it is strong
my applause will never not be heard
i support the nature
of symbiotic relationships

the correlation
of reciprocitous patronage

the orbit ranges
from far and wide
to paper thin
the tether
that ties them together
is anchored in

for those of you
who think my heart doesn’t work
consider this
before you choose to allow
that thought to be birthed

the hatred
that i’ve evolved
is more than all of the earth’s
my capacity for love
is so much larger
it hurts
so get the fuck out my face
with your interpretive ineptitude
i am not bound
by how you observe
my every move
my world is cloaked in shadow
your eyes cannot collect my moon
it’s hidden
from any
who would deprive themself of truth

Sunday, July 30, 2023

visib!e(prod. by klinging swordz)

written and performed by:  stranded


prod. by klinging swordz

and with but one stroke of his scalpel
the incision blooms
blossoming into a gallery
of exquisite truths
i close my eyes
to imbibe the skies
of a most explicit moon
what doesn’t belong in the spiral
is centrifuged
the unenlightened aren’t aware
that the eyelid is an efficient tool
discrete currents
mark the arrival
of cabalistic jewels
you support me
not even conscious of what you get me through


this is for you

who you are invites love
makes one comfortable
in its bright hug
the gentle flames
that such a pleasant aura
ignites from

when the air isn’t there
just DEC!DE it is
see what you CHOOSE to see
use the TEETH in your irises
YOUR fangs in particular
have a POWERFUL signature
like a uv-induced visible fluorescence-style picture
of the pollen
a uniquely exotic flower administers
beautiful light fountaining
in bright powdery shimmer bursts

as you can see
inside the heart

an hourglass
tilted on its side
to signify that no hours pass

what this means
is whether
above the clouds
or under the weather
through all circumstances
i will love you forever

i don’t care what it sounds like
it is what it is
as clear as the distinction
when a pendulum shifts
may my words act as fingers and palms
that gently massage
some of the tension out your sensitive heart

the bayonet on my whisper
is not what it seems
it’s a misinterpretation
of the touch of my dreams

traces of my *-ing heart’s
ornate coronal screams
wolfish bellow
crescent bullet hell of soft coherent beams
geometric picturjections
my magick swims the heavens
leaving the exacting laws
of all dimensions stretching
framework decays
dissolved in a thaumaturgic rage
my intentions mature
a bolt of lightning crackles
loud as hell
my sight scatters
stabbing the outer realms

safely bound in a spell
the cellular scaffolding
cloak of static
the thousand selves
breakthrough in falling
the cure disappears
maze of exotic melting
you’re not really here

permutating particles
disordering of the spheres
patterns talk for themselves
journeying through the mirrors
a thousand fold
bound in the lattice of their souls
the psychic jungle
through which
their COLORS gathered control

fruitful deaths
frequent enough to form code
messages in his papers
amplify his obscure soul
firefly blood
the sun is eels
with a warm tone
scrapbook of pretend
empty sky
an azure rose
careful rendezvous
of cyclotrons
ariaform gold
walking through a door that’s closed
while i absorb stones

a pluralistic infinity
the single warmth adrift
in a quantum blizzard of scissorings
the page spits out books
lake-size cauldrons of energy

the nature of which
are fated
to haunt our century
we learned to scry
two points in a world collide
we grow nearer
the pulsing mirror gives birth to eyes

a legendary meeting
took place in the sky
it contains a secret
no more than a single time

your grace
there’s a throne in my heart
where you preside
if you ever seek my presence
i will always arrive
i’m but a lizard tail away
from being brought to your side
by tearing through dark and time
in a portal that dar provides
we’re connected by the stars
that ophiuchus divides
shadows evolving to butterflies

just two puddles
in a cosmic cloud we’re deep inside
but the cat that defeats a cobra
when an eagle’s above

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

likebrokentoyz(prod. by anübis dōhji)

written and performed by: (in order of appearance)

sea/swordz  (pronounced:  sea of swordz)

prod. by anübis dōhji

anübis dōhji aka okami ghosthack





confrontation with a bird of prey
eye blink modulation
you’re pictured on its plate
the sky shrinks in moderation
you try to slink away
from the blinding occultation
but find the shadow stalks you
with the wingspan of a dark moon
deathless satellite
you stand wei wu

you’ll never live
to see hak nam day two

your own private hell
but you find yourself with neighbors
33,000 people and two elevators

a city
with fire made of rainbows
light’s in a grave
the sky has a halo

a cyberpunk princess
lampshades youth
by sipping synthetic venom
from a champagne flute

she conducts reconnaissance
blind beneath a veil
she has functioning eyes
that’s just not how she surveils
she watches with spies
that slide between the realms
foraging vines
the size of a forest of giant elms
that swim
as if the limbs and roots
are interdimensional
exiting and entering
on an endless loop
a customized design
modified by the wintermute
to flawlessly present their fruit
at psionic interludes
a figurative magnifying glass
thousands of strings work
martin chatwin
couldn’t match
the prowess of her fingers

limitless psychokinesis
her puppets are a multiverse
with fangs
that know the thirst
of an ancient globe of dirt
they shift
sans mirrors
and go berserk
their disappearance
aids against interferons
there’s no alert
they’re not aware there’s a threat
it’s so covert
before they know it
their death’s been engineered
and their soul’s usurped
even if you were a mannequin
holding a tech
you wouldn’t pose a threat
disney would cause more trouble
with yoda and baby boba fett
as two gunmen burn molasses
on a dark silk road
an assassin
trips a fish-shaped star’s killcode

applez(prod. by rogu)

written and performed by: (in order of appearance)

verse:  zodd the immortal

hook:  sea/swordz  (pronounced:  sea of swordz)

prod. by rogu  (pronounced:  rogue)

zodd the immortal




pandemonium builderz

verse: [zodd the immortal]

you can’t fuck w zodd
try and step in front of god
i clip your wings
you fall like lightning
followed by the sound of your soul leaving
every time i speak
clouds get squeezed
knights bleed
it gets cold
i’m nose deep
in the snow
plus my soul’s leaking
carry egos
like I hold heat
in the middle of the
close your eyes and don’t see
ghosts peaking
a sea i most frequent
dreams weaved by mohicans

peace to dōhji
even tho i knows
this ain’t yo beat

i’m going on ten years
off no sleep
i just close my eyes
and don’t dream
float away in someone else’s
don’t think
are you confused?
don’t make a huge mistake
they staked with crosses
the hugest graves

as hell springs from a well
i heard hell sing
in a well spring

mystique was mistreated as well
a queen murdered a king

a curse dispelled
from her eyelash
when she gave that wink
it caused a sleeping spell

i slice you like an apple
shinigamis love
i eat half
and pass the other half to my sun
he’s my other half
gaze upon the eyes
Just how his mother laughs
will have you done
the chatter breaks
overwhelming insanity
swords slash you
from literally
they come
you die gradually
mother earth
and father time
the sun’s what keeps them family

you wonder where they’re from?
the blades an ancient tongue
that rose
bloomed out
and crouched on gravity

an ancient blade sprung out
from out his gums
i’ll give you a much deserving hug
squeeze you till your squirting blood
the sound it sung was fuxking blasphemy
i came crashing down
on an everlasting hunt

hook [x 2]:  [sea/swordz]

you hear the apples crunch
you hear the shinagami’s jaws
you can hear amador
immortalized when zodd records

it’s a special dawn
some love is upper echelon
there are certain things
that disappear
but are never gone

felinehimself(prod. by shango)

written and performed by: (in order of appearance)

verse 1:  sea/swordz  (pronounced:  sea of swordz)

verse 2:  okami ghosthack

verse 3:  morlore yor

prod. by shango

verse 1: [sea/swordz]

he can’t make it down
he’s way up in the clouds
where amaterasu’s forest
deciduates his crown

as his soul disintegrates
you hear a faint ‘meow’

DURING his departure
he barks ‘you can’t take me out’

that’s such an odd interpretation
of reality
a dead star
that it’s no longer in its galaxy
he never even really shined
PRIOR to his demise
a whisper
minus the knowledge
that he’s been apparitionized
he spoke an awful lot
of things
that he was not concerned with
i had to strangle this absurd bitch
it’s time he ferments

shrink his throat
until several petechia splash his eyes
a cask of wine
in a fake version
of dōhji’s mask design
pass that shit around
in puppetz’ palace
playing guilty gear
you’re gone
but you don’t warrant spilling beer
you weren’t REALLY here

his skull excised
without his flesh being compromised

a sharp mirage
of dark kitanas
engulf the sky
the implosion’s bang
its shards align
an entire ocean of blades
to pierce all inside

verse 2: [okami ghosthack]

your animation cel's halved with a slice
your arm falls on left piece of the screen
flamingos rise on the right
garbanzos sprinkled
spilled bai wildberry zaibatsu
we know you employed at domino's
sayk doxxed you

you're aggro
monkey-business-casual dressed
with uncooperative pizza dough in a tv ad though
you sleepily reach into vending machine for snapple
instead of that
you grab hold a grizzly

in attack mode !

millia rage pantene pro
moths to a diode
biting cloned aminal panama rose fightdrome
upload helminth code in your epiCAN’Thic eye fold
decrypting all the peasant folks' dreamz
from unicorn skullz

mix-matched serials
attaching pirate cannons on everything

from alaskan wildlife to ferris wheels
and singaporean jazz clubs
walking post-war victorian bath tubs
samurai pizza cats
'napped up !

in katzenklavier prisonz
konnosuke painted fox
search engine
[ no image ]
'person missing'
corneal streaming sleeve-sick dimi the twin comedian
triple-sleeving me
mr. wink
and kingpin

said " skulljumper's dread-knots left yo-yo girl cop-
bioshocked "
you escaped the matrix biolage
hattori hanzo dropped
during his favourite sport
i drop you in lobster trees
roll you through monster keep

monastery congee chow hall zombie koi pond debris
all these things stuck to ya body like katamari damacy

verse 3: [morlore yor]

you sleufooted cyber gnat
who is you?
hairballing our names in vein;
think you slick like toad belly
but boooiiiii

okay justin..

let’s get one thing straight
before neko

there was a dirty footed khajit
sure he may have lied once or twice
but he was the one
.who. provided moonsugar spice   *not you*

told me and zu to the roll opiated dice
we was nice 10 years before you existed
so how could it possibly be
you’re a fan
a copy cat
blindly walking into the sea

or more like a forest
box yokai release on the chorus ->
macca tea mourning

you get proppelled to oblivion
a failed masked experiment
if you lived or died
i was indifferent

morlore’s missing friends
found in a wishing well
the same one you threw pennies in
to the siren call

if i was ever gonna bite somebody’s shit
it'd be the same person you bit
catnip got you flipped
you lack one whole  iota of style
therefore i could never walk a mile
in slippers you tried to steal from dōhji’s child


owl'zsemblance(prod. by axphykz)

written and performed by: (in order of appearance)

verse 1:  mirage/bladez

verse 2:  sea/swordz

prod. by axphykz

mirage/bladez  (pronounced:  mirage of bladez)


sea/swordz  (pronounced:  sea of swordz)


collage/gravez  (pronounced:  collage of gravez)

verse 1: [mirage/bladez]

the white tiger followz you
an owl sleepy in the moon

a mystery soon to be consumed

in my chest
where eye find no rest
i find myself constantly impressed with the stress
compressed half to death

boa chanting mystic
mista can - can - can he kick it?
collages of your semblance
graves of his minions

rock eating litmus
do the test
fail it

find yourself falling
through a hundred different ceilings
the wormhole of wormholes
a wormhole of feelings
a film noir shot in a technicolour meeting

with the many eyes of a tentacle
slowly reaching
up to the stars for the old one’s appraisal
god damned the weak
but he found me intriguing
a sinning cynic
with his heart barely beating

verse 2: [sea/swordz]

elder togoro

kuwabara disarmed
that’s the only way
i could be alive
after this long

it’s like i’m trapped
in one of blink’s
pink portal loops
a pair that’s stacked
the floor’s the roof
its parallax avoids the truth
i refuse to die
adorn a loose
suicide forest noose
these ceilings of assorted doom
death’s metaphor that looms
i gently walk away
the wrong way
on an escalator

escape for now
only to suffer forever
do what you will to my heart
but nothing can separate her
this particular love
is the stuff
that a legend’s made of

pulp nonfiction
the briefcase has her eyes in it
to never see their gaze
would be the same
as ‘rashōmon’ finished

peering defeated
from the top step
into a future
darker than the shadow
of a star’s death
true beauty
you have no understanding
of the concept

until you see a soul
dance with such divine steps

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

essomenicnightterror(prod. by descendant i)

written and performed by: (in order of appearance)

verse 1:  stranded

verse 2:  rpm the brown robe

prod. by descendant i

rpm the brown robe





verse 1: [stranded]

when encountered by a stringent djinn
all filaments will dim

before the light resumes
you’ll have to deal with them

did you know that descendant him
has no synonym
he is found somewhere near the end
of a 3d pendulum
like the whisper
traffic’d in a placid winter wind

that wizard grins
casts spells
like an injured limb

i stand still
like i’m seeing medusa
while i’m being shown things
as they will be in the future

be careful
when you’re recharging your batteries
there are many errors
that can be exhausted
as you sleep

a magnet creeps
the dragnet of a moon captures me

the passion’s deep
i’m not moved by unnatural heat

she shows herself

data overflows the well

a sudden intake
of the inmates in her photocells
i keep some heartbeats hidden
in a way no stethoscope can tell

it drives her crazy
not knowing what’s below the veil
even though
right now
she can’t imagine
it will unfold so well
she’ll be so happy
when she’s ultimately at the show ’n tell

it’s all so meaningful
quite the opposite of how it seems

some clouds fatigued
i’ve been able to recount my dreams
the peace
that has become the epicenter
of my nows
so keen

is represented
by strict essomenic alchemy
i walk out on the fringes
of a figurative balcony
to stare into my newfound galaxy
without belief

dyslexic fallacy

i don’t know this how can be
but i understand it IS
because my vantage is a mountain’s peak
i see it CLEARLY
within hyper-oscillating boundaries
a truth that’s as eloquent
as the tales a kindred falcon speaks
it’s in her nature to challenge me
shove me out onto balance beams
like jiraiya teaching summoning
and she does it with a smile and tease
she’s a rainbow
you have to see her
at just the right angle
to untie her
and i am one
who has such eyes
to untangle
a single dragon
who has often
been described as an angel
that’s just ‘cause
we both have wings
and calmly vibrating halos

coronal discharge
quiet light
just a faint glow
it only truly shows itself
to the sparks that ignite its payload

verse 2: [rpm the brown robe]

available download now
on astral tablet
ajna abbots
battle it out for less tragic
knock the apple
right off of your atom
more savage than fathomed
my pattern is minotaur’s cavern
the shores of saturn
hold my gems iridescence
scores of knees bend
to fill up there nalgenes 
prescience practiced
they all raised their cards
when he stepped in the coliseum  
some socratic gift
when in rome i set flames to the throne
when i wrote this shit
nero keep his wig cool

spin fools with loom lines
reading mystic rune signs
cool science
a crystal is just you
in stone form
fill up my kashkul
with truth
and go terraform

metamorphus norm
stegosaurus severed horn
resurrected essence
when i left to get a sword

engage with the morning rays
storms rage
by whats born on my page
whats more
i brought grenades
my social presence shines
like noble menace
exegesis from a tree well
they still don’t get it ?
only my robe knows
why i wear soul clothes
emitting gold tones
’til there like no don’t
selling old folk tales with spikes
dimpling periphery
thinking differently
within the beat’s divinity
syncopated imagery
my lyrics try to figure me
poetry camo’d deep
the candle leaps
stranded streets
while we draw up to the window
under limbo
like phantohms
in depeche-mode

Thursday, March 12, 2020

innerobelus[magneticchaos](prod. by warlock poems)

written and performed by: (in order of appearance)

verse 1:  rpm the brown robe

verse 2:  stranded

verse 3:  rpm the brown robe

verse 4:  stranded

prod. by warlock poems

rpm the brown robe





verse 1: [rpm the brown robe]

caught him on ice
off the device light
in the creases of sleeves
leaves swirl around
and then leave
his forehead’s orbit
once again he’s asleep
but dreams
are where he needs to be
if hes to succeed

high as the sea is deep
low as the cliff’s end
bottom of his barrel is narrow
no make pretend

he feels things
he heals things
he sees within
that he contends
lower vibed gents
he shows them
the same respect

he wants to ring there necks
robe go
i don’t think
i next
mirror neurons go do the rest

they do what buddha says
supradestined leave essence
if you never let go of questions
you’ll be in a questing maze

for the thing that you’ve been wrestling
learning the lesson
with herb fluorescing
verbal blessing
they heard the reference
digressing message to test his
caress it
massive excessive
free of leaks to reach the wreckage

swinging fog lights
through the mist of december mercy rain
carpets of dark clouds in the east
welcome the servant’s name

on the ether breath
seekers pressed themselves into words
that left his lips with the secret stored
when he refrains

the moon still takes his breath away
couldn’t help his resume
put the desk away
set in ways
this man is saved

his planets anecdote
already classic
and its dope
sometimes up
sometimes a dynamic

verse 2: [stranded]

the missing trope is pain
drowning in clouds
a crown of tears that won’t just rain
perpetually undone
being spun
by the undertow and waves
all of my sleeves are water


i’ve been altered
my carbon is flying saucer
my heart’s engulfed
with the thoughts of a violent author


i’m encumbered
steeped in the havoc
the thunder wreaks

i’m what’s underneath
the light is all but extinct
by the interstellar dust
of a stellar nursery
it suffers
from CO and N poisoning
the bilocation a void achieves
each of the sides a war’s between
epicentral to an orbiting
network of vortices
i’m left enduring
the centrifugal nature
of light apportioning

there’s such an aptitude
for alchemy
with love and gratitude
the channels through which
an organic witch’s sigil magick moves
tied with the threads
of a cosmic language
stones that hold quantum traces
throw the whole earth
into strong vibrations
our bonds are strengthened
to more easily commune
when we’re not awakened

and evade the rules
that keep us apart
when we’re not adjacent

the moon and the evening star
share an intimate embrace
when true love and beauty apparition[v.]
they can’t be replaced
in service
his heart plants a gentle kiss
upon a ghost in space
still so very close
even though she is so far away
rare is every day
where he’s concerned
that’s just how it is
it’s just more exposed
as the waning of the anticloud

verse 3: [rpm the brown robe]

the mask adjacent
to the real face
that we have faith in
oh selfish aging
don’t want so much
not to be stranger
claim it
vedic’s lauded hymn
day softening into rawkus whim
orphic or jaded
‘cause you know nobody wins
in the insolence
sew what you know
might help you eat the gems
where theirs deep belief
i at least ascend
leafs to span   
where the eagles loft  
soar above the
the temp drops
the bridge of ether
dripping ice watch

the white fox
enter those who he might defer
gone again behind some crags
massive rocks couldn’t stop his nerve

nasa stocks in my parnassus thoughts
max of course
these cats try to catch his source
the land of savage swords

this pen of lords 
his sense
halo through his orb
nights grow longer the less i go “what’s this for?”
revive hope
design boats
intermetallic center post
episodes of his own growth
old oak in a robe quotes
in silence
while divining life    
support your bios codes
he derived notes
disciples spoke   
then his iris glows

verse 4: [stranded]

the virus froze
quarantined in his own veins
the legacy remains
his pain doesn’t seem to age

his heart
produces waves
the god that he obeys
the cosmic range
the scale
a stethoscope
and swallowing grenades
i find it difficult
to speak a language
no one understands
my hourglass is a fan
i tumble in its sand
desert in a hurricane
eddies hurling grains
of impossibly sharp
omnipresent shuriken blades
a ragtag collection
of bio-anachronistic remnants
of a timeless nature
ravage his existence
an onslaught of impressions
the quintessence of shambolic imprints
the rare fusion
of emptiness and exotic sentience
the degree to which
the spectrum widens
is endless
behind gnostic lenses
you see
with the eyes of a shaman
with ayahuascan interests
cast into a realm of lost dimensions
a fate alter engine
as light as an astral feather
you stellarwalk within them
a product of solemn wisdom
an enlightened frame of mind
for instance
where when you are wronged
you choose not to respond with vengeance

Thursday, February 20, 2020

thepurposeoftorpor(prod. by dobkleberg)

written and performed by sea/swordz  (pronounced:  sea of swordz)

prod. by donkleberg

i clawed my way
out of a multiverse
of emptiness
into a far more dense abyss
whose hollow core’s more infinite
these vacuum spirals
that i’m being swallowed by
are intricate
their paths defy all sense there is
dreamlabyrinth-like dementia twists
it’s like i’m doomed
to teleport
from one hell to another
to a degree
it seems it is correct
we CHOOSE to suffer
but while i’m destined to be smothered
by an echo-prudent hunger
i’m also granted
the occasional brief glimpse
into pure wonder

and i’m careful
not to let what i experience
obscure that beauty
i absorb all moonbeams
i have the blessed fortune to see

i’m GRATEFUL for that window
in my otherwise disdainful limbo
a single butterfly
can undermine the way the wind blows

whole entire worlds are conceived
from something truly beautiful
the force a garden achieves
with the sudden bloom
of what’s been removed from view
the dark world i exist in
will always have an umbra-lucent hue
‘cause despite how dark
the shadow on my heart
my love illumines through
sharper than the teeth
a hummingbird has on its beak
that they use
to fight off other birds
that want to have a drink

they have to compete
for the nectar that they seek
so they evolved
to weaponize the jaws
projecting off their cheeks

my light coheres
the glow excites
to an eruption
my soul
heaven piercing
like simon
piloting a gunman
but my ink’s invisible
to many of the eyes
that steep a tentacle
it tends to shy away
from those who don’t
try to reach their pinnacle
those who fear the truth
and willfully
sterilize their spirit’s root
terrified to wander
in the confines of a mirrorloop
to see inside themselves
what is there
and longs for nurturing
hidden in the vault
of the neglect
of their heart’s nursery
while they are unaware they’re lost
they are in search of peace
guided by an unseen force
they’re drawn
by all that lurks beneath

but you must LET yourself
where you’re being led
your path is being woven
by a compass needle
deeply set
if you don’t see
through that specific eye
you’ll never see what’s next
your needle will continue its design
but leave the thread
you’ll be left to gaze
at the wake of an elaborate blur
‘cause sadly
you lacked the nerve
to travel your arachnid turf
dreams weave your fate
but you need to wake
your tapestry awaits

wanderers must be conscious
on their path
to be reshaped
you can’t be dormant
evolution doesn’t happen by mistake
your true form
will be consumed by the void
your atrophy creates

the eternal death

a dragon’s burning breath

will taciturn[v.] what’s left
of the magick of his words bereft

until the road’s silent
YOU solely decide
if you know blindness
you will be shown signs
it’s up to YOU
to not close your eyelids
whatever you seek
destiny’s your copilot
you can’t be force fed
the key to your soul’s guidance

Monday, February 10, 2020

moonflakes(prod. by axphykz)

written and performed by sea/swordz  (pronounced:  sea of swordz)

prod. by axphykz

butterfly nest
the hands aren’t what you think they are
the wormhole
is a waffle/pancake hybrid
that shapes a jar
in the times
our mirror breaks
and we’re being swept away
it’s hard
it means we’ve healed
from our wounds
if we’re laced with scars

it’s these pillars we create
that make us strong
the brilliance
that awaits
those resilient
who face the shards
i vanish
as i stand before a mirror
and stare for miles
peer amid the chaos
disappear into my inner child
a lilac[adj.] rose
rules the sky alone

sails the spiral
how it feels
to wear the bright corona
of a single smile

love eternal

the rainbows of a sun
my sky’s a masterpiece
each day
my cosmos paint another mural

i gaze in awe
the horizon V!BRANT gratitude
the radiant collage
of the magick
that acts as my moons
the clouds behave as sacred runes
the power of all that ensues
a specific light
only photosynthesized
by empathic roots
i resonate with natural truth
the layers of my mask remove
but evaporate
when ‘frank’
is not a tessellating attribute

the brain’s damaged
with the heart
when the soul’s impaled
the fate of one
who bears the weight of tons
that aren’t below the veil
just know
there’s nothing more important
than to know thy self
and the reflection’s quite obscured
for those
who hide behind the blur
they show themselves
so keep your ojos genuine
don’t deceive your retinas
the moon is exudative
of how beautiful reflection is
so resolve to see reality
despite what your perspective is
be honest
when you’re scanning
be organic
not impetuous
don’t let your surveillance
be a frantic frame of reference
when you consume
surrender to what nature blooms
collate with deference

the truth’s adorable
even when it’s sorrowful
‘cause it’ll never unexpectedly
decompress into tomorrow’s wound
i keep it sheathed
in hopes to never see my sword removed
even though it seems
it’s only ever peace
until the war resumes

i do all i’m able to
to ensure that door is glued
but when i must
i blow off the dust
and do what zorro do

it’s all energy
and i’m intimately made aware
that rather pitifully
the way that i vibrate is rare

the anatomic traits
all instances of empathy
innately share
all involve evolved rotating renderings
of the same square

i see the swirl
the beauty that deeps the world

and i choose
not to intrude
on the intriguing whorls

Monday, January 27, 2020

anticloud(prod. by perspectiveprime)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by perspectiveprime

where’d the moon go
hiding in the anticloud
where mirrors can’t be found
but light’s inside
i feel it dance around

to the hush of an enchanted sound
the growing disappearance
of a suicide
a phantom smiles

shadows stalk
the many labyrinths
that we have to walk
but they don’t denote danger
they’re only a language
that matter talks
just consider nature
and the hidden place a flower starts
that silence sparks beauty
not anticipated

it’s perspective
of the vantage point
of any given nexus

that decides if light
can or cannot be detected

i myself
am guided by a certain magnetism

i resonate
with the concurrency of magick’s rhythm
the window through the spine
and the medulla
peeking through the blinds
observing the serpents
and the curves
with which
the two will intertwine
i conjure destiny
by simply not neglecting ME

i pay attention
to the subtleties
of my heart’s every beat
the eloquent mirage
a spell of elegance will concretize
the liberating fruit
the innovative truth of knotted vines

a cosmic wishing well
the weight of vibrant glimmers swell
these pinpricks inundate the sky
their constellations ensorcell
the iridescent interstellar pulses
umbral pillars brace
our love buds within
reveals the fate
of what we will create

where’s this boat sailing
feathers are this river’s banks
its plethoric colors illustrate
the bold reflection that our mirror makes
it was beautiful where we spent the day
she didn’t see my face
but saw a red fox ricochet
taking pieces of her fish away
different time
different place
strewn bodies
seemingly my food
all he saw was blurs
zooming by
as they would be removed
he woke up
but i went on
to flee a slayer
i was peaceful to
by a trace of hemoglobin
on a single tooth
i had no desire
to inflict upon her
any harm
so i evaded her attempts to kill
and chose not to respond
in addition to my blood
from minor wounds
i trickled wit and charm
‘cause i knew
if we could just chill
that we would get along
she thinks
that i don’t think she’s strong
EYE think she’s never been so wrong
but then she also thinks
because i see her strengths
that i don’t see her flaws
THAT’S her being wrong
and i see that
like i see it all
it’s sad
‘cause she can’t seem to get
the theme that creeps beneath it all
if the me she sees
ain’t really me
then there’s no reason
for a we at all
she’s drained
‘cause my reflection
in her eyes
cannot be seen at all

and i don’t even have fangs
this is so disorienting
so many stories blending

the garden has florist envy
one can get lost
when the metaphors
and worlds
are plenty
walk into each copse of trees
and leave
having seen the forest EMPTY

i tend to close my eyes
and see what’s really visible
i need to heal from many wounds
that’s why i feel so miserable

being empathetic
i can’t just pretend
this planet’s peace
so i decide
to do my best
to fix the things
my hands can reach
camo leaf’d
praying mantids creep
in shrubs
a blur
where they’ve beheaded and eaten
seven species of hummingbird

mindanao gum

rainbow eucalyptus
nature chews up a tree
and blows a beautiful bubble with it

this is the sort of magick
you would have
if wands were EVERYWHERE
lost in the eclectic stare
only the intrepid wear

how is it
that a shadow
with eyes
inferior to what they see
is able to recognize
the sacred mirrors
that lie underneath
deep in the abysses
of extraordinary light sources
he sees
what are black holes to ordinary eyes
as BR!GHT torches
these flames themselves
the auras they ignite
are blind to the majesty
of their vibrant firelight’s performance
we THR!VE together

help each other ply our efforts
operation wilting-dry-but still survive the desert

the night endeavors
to highlight the life
that’s not been weathered

who knew blue moons could be
such delightful tethers
these quiet embers
are magick satellites i TREASURE
so while their wings collapse
i strike a match
to reignite their feathers

i can’t express how truly grateful i feel
to be allowed
to see what flowers
hidden space can reveal
the organic urge
to liberate what is sealed
i am stranded on earth
but levitate on appeal

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

thaumaturgiccompression(prod. by klinging swordz)

written and performed by stranded

prod. by klinging swordz

a goddess speaks to me
in the body
of an oscillating frequency
her vibrations modulate
and seem to conjure magick

routine enchantment
the byproduct of such a deity
beauty dancing
across my horizon
constructs my evening
the moon conducts its phoenixing
renewing its cycle
any aspect of the satellite
being sunlit

shadow becomes the centerpiece
plunge in
beneath the umbral shroud
take off the crown
wipe off your brow
be humble as opposed to proud
cleanse beneath the rubble
of your prior self
that tumbled down
the rain that fell
and rises to the sky again
once was a cloud

i give thanks
to the light
that finds its way
into the cherished hearts

and (i) bear the mark
of one
who is grateful
that they’ve inhaled a spark
i profusely assail the dark
with an entire quiver
of lucent arrows knocked
as the true equivalent of cupid
shooting in a paradox
the sorceric whispers
of a primordial wizard’s dialogue
these conversations in his mind
involve the voice inside his heart

i choose to be there
for those i love
whenever hailed
and never fail
doesn’t mean i don’t
just means
that i give my best avail[able]

i sensed the need
to place my energy
in a crescent jail
to join its gibbous
to form a finished trinity
with its vessel

quantum mechs
on a quest
to the farthest stretches
of the starry depths
to cause effects
on its subatomic specks
true intentions
the blossoms
that bloom from their hidden architects
the fruition of a garden
the roots of which
are bridges
that cross all clefts
great divides
despite the hurdles
of space/time
instant transmission
two fingers placed upon the mind
draws all curtains
on pandimensional borderlines
when you’re fueled by flames
of otherworldly planes
you can’t ignore the drive

my heart gives off
auric darts

a phantom porcupine
my love’s a plant
that wraps who it belongs to
in its gorgeous vines

immortal hug
the embrace that rivals destiny
the complex webs we weave
can’t be brushed aside so readily
there’s a bond
that’s what connection means
such a thing
will never volatilize
so apathetically

it takes effort
to sever
those adherent to your soul
a substantial shift in the elements
of the character you know

geordi la forge
i see the rainbows
that the world ignores
read a spectrum
a perspective of a flower
that’s more obscure
that not only accounts
for the calyx
but forms the thorns
latent corridors
by engaging absorptive orbs
that see in a way
that reintegrates
even vaguely apportioned swarms

a confluence of truth
the bastion of actuality
of all humans
those who imagine
are abnormalities

i collapse into a thousand dreams
and seldom wake with memories
they melt away progressively
the second my eyelids levitate
i find myself blind to yesterday
i find myself
the dream
that someone else has had
why would melting
not be what one expects
on an unselfish path

i still open myself up
like an umbrella stab
i won’t be relegated
by overwhelming sadness
i mean
i feel it
but i don’t let it
alter my genetic ladders
i won’t stop being who i am
just ‘cause it offers an advantage

i will not let pain
that i endure
effect what i’m about
pixelated boneyard
where death is not quite pronounced

some choose to see
an opportunity
for life to sprout

what moves beneath
a ruling peace
with an undying crown
pyroclastic clouds

what rumbles underneath
an om
a deep drone
what i encounter outward
of what keeps my soul
despite vibration
to see its oscillation
reach an even tone
turn the darkness
you experience
to exquisite stones
tinted glass
from which
the images being mirrored back
reveal a glow

the beauty instilled below
despite what it is shrouded in
reflected in the attitude
that’s required to house a grin

it must be in you to ascend
to be an alchemist

no matter what you come across
that brings about a shift
without what’s in YOUR heart
your transformation won’t amount to SH!T
be careful not to discount
the role
that you yourself must play
without you
the impressions made
would not beset the clay
you’d be nothing more
than an amorphous lump
bereft of shape
if YOU were not assertive enough
when stirred
to resonate
YOU must contribute
to your stimuli
to hear an echo roar
to harness the flutter
your REM provides
you must press [record]
the magick
is all in how my head explores
and using my heart to charge them
the sigils are my metaphors